246 Views· 09/09/21
In Other

⁣Ampsentrix, our iconic brand, well known for quality, is proud to present a new expansion to its product line. Ampsentrix Core allows you to replace batteries for iPhones XR / XS / XS Max / 11 / 11 Pro / 11 Pro Max without limiting your customer's battery health data. Compared with other battery this AMPSentrix Core battery charge faster, last longer and have a higher power density for more battery life in a lighter package. Our New batteries not only pass industry standards but we are also certified by official standards. All AMPSentrix Core Batteries come with Zero – Cycle count, OEM TI Gas Gauge Chip, and Pre-installed Battery Adhesive. This video shows you the steps to follow for a successful battery replacement using Ampsentrix Core. find more iPhone Batteries at Mobilesentrix.

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