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White Label Software
White Label Software Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣White Label Software
- Global GDS

White-label Software’s are
mostly unbranded fully improved Software exchanged by SaaS companies after
renaming and rebranding as their software. Businesses can purchase approach to
the software, add their branding to it and resell it as their own as though it
was developed by themselves.

There are many reasons why
this can be an improved alternative to custom software that is developed from
the ground up. White label software is
usually taken under a software as a service or SaaS model, making it very
attractive to businesses who cannot fork up the entire cost of the license

What is White Label

White Label Software is
software that a company uses and brands as its software. Most of the time, White Label Software is
sold under the software as a Service (SaaS) model. In basis, the company using
the software is “leasing” or “renting” the software under a monthly or annual
subscription. There are many causes companies use white-labeled software
products in this way.

White label software is
offered unbranded to a reseller. The reseller adds their branding or simple
removes the original branding and then sells contact to the platform as if they
developed it. Customers generally do not know that this is the case. However,
inadequate procedures in protecting the white label can cause clients to become
aware of the white label arrangement. In that case, end clients will sometimes
try to “go around” the reseller and contact the software directly in hopes that
they can purchase access for less.

How does White Label
Software Development work?

White label software development is
a faster way of offering your clients the desired services; through this,
businesses can charge for the services bought from other company and re-label
them as their own. This not only saves the time need for development from
scratch but can also yield a benefit when the product is sold at a marked-up

For software developers,
white labelling is a great time-saving tool as they improve on bigger offers.
For companies lacking in-house expertise, white labelling can offer their
clients with the services they asked for whilst expanding the company portfolio
and adding new value to the existing client base without investing time in
product development.

How To Choose the Right
White Label Software?

You'll want to get to learn
your white label provider as well as you possibly can before you start giving
their product to your clients. When acquiring white label software, there are a
few things to believe:

If a service is decent and
trustworthy, there will be nothing to hide. You should be able to discover
everything you required to know about a provider on their website. If a company
attempts to get out of offering you this type of information, you should avoid
them. There would be no reason for a company to pass on sharing its success.
Withholding customer reviews or case studies suggests there isn't much to
showcase, or the response has not been positive.

Do your research! Before you
choose a software provider, be sure to shop around and compare costs. There may
be a company out there that better your expectations at a far lower cost.
Before committing to a subscription, do some research so you don't spend a
fortune on an ineffective product.

How can white-label software
help your business attain new heights?

A white label software
product can help businesses in many ways. We’ve put together a list of the main
reasons why you’d want to choose it:


Ready to market

Smooth user experience

All-round solution

Zero Involvement in Development and Project

Benefits of white labeled

White labelling can provide
substantial business gains. Companies choose white label software because it
can provide faster launches, lower costs, less risk, and diversification.

Faster software launches

Diversifying your offerings

Lower development costs

Less risk

What are white labelling

White label products and
services are purchased by the better company without branding. That way, the
reseller can customize the product with their own brand, logo, and identity,
allowing clients to associate the product with the reseller. Meanwhile, the
manufacturer can focus on finding cost-effective ways to make the product,
without concern for the product’s marketing.

White label software work
well for everything from cereal to tickets. Grocery stores sell cereal and
other products with their own brand name at a discount to other brands.
Similarly, ticket resellers can handle their ticket listing more efficiently
through a white label solution.
This also establish distribution so that fans have more choice in where they
can purchase tickets.

White label solutions

White label travel website
is an online booking portal
that allows travel representatives to sell hotels, flights, holidays, buses and
other travel products to their clients simply and quickly. They can also
maintain all their financial transactions online and run numerous reports to
aid the smooth running of their business.

Global GDS has been
providing B2C white label travel solutions to travel representatives across
India allowing them to start their own online travel business. With over many
White label/API partnerships already, our solutions access you to engage with
your clients more closely while providing them a range and depth of services
which were not previously possible.

Global GDS also provides B2A white label travel portal
that allows you to join with other travel agents from your network and allow
them to make travel bookings at discounted B2A rates on the portal using their
own various login access.

Why White Label Solution and
how it helps Travel Agent and Tour Operators?

Global GDS is leading Travel Technology Company
offers innovative White label Solution for travel agent, travel agency, tour
operator, travel management company and destination management company to setup
Travel Website with advanced B2B/B2C Travel Portal for Flight, Hotel, Tour,
Transfer, Package, Activity to automate travel companies process and maximize

Our travel professionals
design and develop White-Label using advanced travel technology to deliver
highly customized white label solutions based on guest business requirements.

This White-Label Online
Travel Portal comes with Third Party API Integration feature which simply
integrate travel listing (rates and availabilities) from global suppliers in
travel portal or website of travel representative to sell hotel, flight,
transfers, package, activity online with faster response and dynamic travel
data to develop customer experience.

What are the Benefits of a
White Label Solution?

Highly Customized Solutions.

Easily integrate into travel portal/website.

It only requires a small investment.

Requires small investment.

Rebrand and Resell Product as your own.

Product Expertise benefit.

Product Choice benefit.

Reduced cost for product.

Expand Product Offering of travel agents.

Increase brand presence.

Which are the key features
of White Label Solution?

Mobile-Friendly Design.

Customized Travel Portal/Website Development.

Highly Flexible.

B2B/B2C Travel Portal.

Booking Engine for flights, hotels, tours,
transfers, etc.

Real-time search & book functionality.

Third-Party API Integration.

Payment Gateway Integration.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Amadeus Flight API Integration
Amadeus Flight API Integration Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Amadeus Flight API
Integration - Global GDS

What is Amadeus Flight API

Amadeus Flight API Integration is
an integral part of all online travel companies. Amadeus Flight API Integration
supports to distribute the services so that the target audience or customers
can achieve the good result. Global travel agencies are not complete today
unless they have integrated the Amadeus Flight API. Amadeus flight API
integration is popular among tour operators, destination management companies,
and hotels, etc.

Amadeus flight booking
offers the technology which retains the travel industry going. From Amadeus
flight search to the reservation, costing to ticketing, booking management to
entry and exit methods. The Amadeus booking system gives a complete solution,
from the initial search to the completion of the booking. The Amadeus airline
software makes it easy to make an online reservation.

Amadeus GDS Integration

Global GDS is one among the
Best Amadeus GDS Integration Company, based in Bangalore India; we provide travel software development
services for both B2B & B2C versions. The Amadeus GDS Integration services
we provide include Amadeus Airline Reservation System, Amadeus Hotel, Amadeus
travel packages, Amadeus cruise booking and more.

Travel technology web
solutions supports travel representatives to integrate travel related contents
into their application such as online booking engine, website and robotic tool.
Amadeus GDS helps travel representatives enhancing their business globally and
improving ROI. We also give Amadeus GDS, Amadeus XML, Amadeus API integration
services for travel businesses across the globe.

Why Choose Global GDS for
Amadeus GDS Integration?

Our developers have years of
experience in development or integrating the API credentials into a website.
Therefore, you can simply enjoy smooth continuity in your business once the
website gets delivered.

Global GDS believes in
providing end to end solutions be for Flight API Integration,
GDS API Integration or other technical tasks. We truly believe each of our
customers has a different requirement and our aim always remains to deliver a
more personalized and enhanced online travel medium. Our special focus on
developing the website with different integrations has made us one of the top
web design and travel portal development companies in across the globe.

What is the procedure to
integrate the Amadeus GDS API?

If you really want to
develop your travel business by integrating with Amadeus GDS API, then you
require to get to touch with right API integration provider. And Global GDS is
here to help in that. We provide extensive Flight API XML integration for

The team at Global GDS has
expertise in Flight API XML Integration and support travel professionals with
top Amadeus Flight API services. So yes, we give you on demand Amadeus Flight
API integration for travel agents, airlines, and travel agencies.

As your needs and
requirements, we offer you the best Amadeus API integration. We basically
execute Amadeus Flight API integration in travel agent’s portal or website.
After the successful integration, travel agents can offer clients with finest
choices for hotels, car, flight, and many more at budget-friendly costs.

Amadeus API Integration

Amadeus GDS offers IT
Solutions and services to address airlines’ key operational requirements in the
areas of sales, reservation & ticketing, inventory management, departure
control and e-commerce through Amadeus Integration. Global GDS is known as one
the best Amadeus Booking System / Amadeus Software development
company across the world.

We give consulting,
development for all the aspects of B2B & B2C Amadeus GDS /Amadeus XML/
Amadeus API Integration. The Amadeus Booking System / Amadeus Software combines
Amadeus Airline Reservation System for air booking, Amadeus Hotel for hotel
booking, travel packages, Amadeus bus booking, Amadeus rail booking, Amadeus
cruise booking, Amadeus Software, Amadeus GDS, Amadeus Airline, Amadeus Hotel,
Amadeus Booking System, Amadeus API, Amadeus Travel Software, Amadeus XML,
Amadeus Airline Reservation System, Amadeus Integration and insurance.

Amadeus Flight Booking API

We are a software
development company that offers wide services for the travel industry which
includes travel portal development,
Travel CRM development and GDS integration services too. There are several GDS
available like Amadeus, sabre, Travelport. GDS provides expanded integration
with websites so users can get flight information, flight booking and real time
updates of availability of seats.

Amadeus is one of GDS which
offers API services for flights, hotels, car and cruise booking too. With their
seamless integration users can get flight details, booking of flights, managing
of tickets and availability of seats simple. Which supports travel
representatives, DMC and hotels to book their flights, hotels on their website
with Amadeus API Integration.

Amadeus flight booking API
integration protects from initial flight search to completion of booking. So
now online flight booking will be easier with Amadeus GDS API. Customers can
book online with a simple user interface which will be very easy, and which is
possible due to integration with the website via Amadeus XML/ API integration.

Amadeus API Integration

Global Distribution System is
one of the preferred requirements of every business which is working online.
GDS helps to distribute the services so that the target audience or customers
may get the desired result out of it. In the world of travel, Amadeus API
Integration is one of the oldest and reliable technologies.

We at Global GDS help in
offering the complete and the most effective GDS Integration Solution so that
the service suppliers and the travelers may get the maximum advantage out of
it. With the Amadeus API Integration Solution at your travel website, you can
get the most advantageous service search results. Earlier when GDS was not into
the force, the travel industry was not integrated well. This integration
service has brought the service suppliers and the service seekers at a place.

What are the benefits of
Amadeus API Integration?

Amadeus API hosts a variety
of features from booking flights, hotels another essential services.

It has a variety of deals related to
airlines, cars and hotels

It provides direct access to the booking

It connects you to the airline, car, hotel
and travel web services

It eases you with full control of inventory
and booking management

Choose your airline/hotels for every

Dependability, Connectivity and Maintenance

Amadeus Flight API XML
Integration with Global GDS

Welcome to Amadeus Flight
API XML Integration Partner Global GDS Company. Global GDS is certified partner
with Amadeus. Global GDS has Flight API Integration with Amadeus Flight
Supplier. We give best Flight API XML Integration for Amadeus.

We have expertise in Flight
API XML Integration and can help travel professionals with leading Amadeus Flight API service. We
offer best Amadeus Flight API XML Integration for travel agent, travel agency
and airlines. Our team of professionals gives partial or complete Amadeus
Flight API XML Integration according to requirements via Amadeus Flight API. We
offer best Flight XML API technology for travel business using Amadeus Flight
API Integration solution.

We approve implementation of
Amadeus Flight API Integration in travel representative’s online portal via
Amadeus Flight API, to establish their business manifolds. Our team of experts
helps in integration of Amadeus Flight API in Online Portal or Website of
travel representative; enabling them to access global travel content of flight,
hotel and car transfer.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Tour Booking Software
Tour Booking Software Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Tour Booking Software
- Global GDS

What is Tour Booking

Tour Booking Software is
the travel software which supports tour operators to keep track of tours
activity such as scheduling, itinerary, meals, booking and automate inventory.
It helps Travel Company to organize tours to handle customer information,
back-office activities, tour information, accounting, and report.

It simplifies the booking
process by providing worldwide customers with a comprehensive tour booking
engine which comes with tour quotation booking system to increase bookings and

Why is tour booking software

As a tour or attraction
operator, you already have a lot on your plate. If you’re trying to manually
handle your bookings, you probably don’t have much time left over to focus on
expansion opportunities. Booking software streamlines your reservation
activities, letting you to focus on other crucial tasks like marketing, hiring,
and more.

Here are three reasons why
tour booking software is important:

Your guests can book tours 24/7.

It helps you and your team stay organized.

You will drive more direct bookings.

How Tour Booking Software
help tour operators?

Tour Booking Software is
travelling software which is specially designed for tour operator to simply
handle their tour activity, booking and automate the inventory. It is
easy-to-use, multifaceted booking system specifically built for Travel Company
looking to provide their customers with a wide array of local tours, trips and
experiences in one location.

In this digital world,
travel booking has been growing from offline bookings to online bookings with a
single click button. Travelers want to book their tour online. For tour
operators to enhance their online presence in the travel world, Global GDS
leading travel technology company
provide the best tour booking software for tour operators which is fully tour
booking IT solution with tour quotation booking system. It helps tour operators
and travel agencies to efficient handle their tour business.

Why Use Tour Booking

Travel booking software is
a very important part of a travel business because it can develop marketing
efforts; consolidate data, increase bookings and increase efficiency.

Tour Booking Software is
simple integrated into the website and offers ease of booking. It also simple
manages back-office management and accounting. For the leading features and
functionality of tour booking software, travel arrangements for tourists can be
simple handled.

Grow your business and reach
more clients with the powerful travel technology company - Global GDS. Automate
reservations, inventory, and back-office management, develop marketing efforts
and collect data to drive growth.

The tourism industry has
made a significant jump to the internet over recent years. Today, most business
is directed online through travel websites, apps, and more. Customers use the
internet to find everything they require these days, including booking
reservations for tours and more. If your travel company doesn't have an online
booking system for tour operators on your travel or tour booking website,
you're most likely losing a ton of business.

Key Features of our Tour
Booking Software

Tour reservation management

Multi formatting reports

B2B travel portal for sub agents

Email notification alerts

Back-office system

Account & discounts management

Multi package booking

Scheduled and Series Tours

Benefits of tour package

A list of benefits you get
from Online Tour Package Software at your glance.

Manage business inventory

24/7 booking for clients

Decrease work load and efficiently save time

Provide best tour experience

Provide efficient services

Track sales record in real time

Yield high profit for tour operators

What is an online tour
booking system?

Customers in today's
high-tech world use the internet and their various devices to call home from
across the world. Communicating with family and friends through video chats and
on social media. They now have the ability to find almost anything they
required. Shopping, ordering groceries, and booking vacation destinations and
activities in just a few clicks.

The world has moved online
in a big way. By having a site that helps online tour booking you
open yourself to a host of new clients and opportunities. Allowing them to view
all you have to provide and to book right from their device be it a computer,
tablet, or cell phone offers the convenience that users prefer.

Online tour booking systems
are software that allows businesses to accept and handle online reservations.
By integrating an online tour booking and reservation system to your website
you give your clients the ability to view the services you provide, make a
reservation, and submit payment via a payment gateway. This can all be done
within a few minutes from any device with internet connection.

Tour Operator software

Tour Operator software is a
single integrated online travel booking engine,
that works both ways, first, supporting the tour operator to handle bookings
itineraries, adding travel solutions, on one hand. Second, it helps the
clients, search and book their need travel portal instantly without wasting any

The main reason a tour
operator, travel agency or destination management company requires a tour
operator software is that the system automates the complete tour cooking
process, helps in saving a lot of investment need in owning a physical office,
also enhances the online travel business by reaching out to clients all around
the world.

Global GDS establishes the
most highly rated travel booking software solutions for global travel agencies,
online travel agency portals, international transfer associations and much

What Are Tour Operator

Tour Operation System
is Application that allows user to
handle tour activity such as Booking, Appointment, Itinerary and much more.
Customer can plan their tour by their own Itinerary. Global GDS is a Tour
Booking Portal development company, which combines Online Flight Booking, Room
Booking and more. Our Tour booking software offers complete custom solution.

Tour Booking Software is an
interface for B2C clients for booking of different products like Flights,
Transport, Hotel. It is connected with several GDS’s and third-party suppliers
for getting global content. It has comprehensive booking process efficiency
from initiating booking inquiries to generating tickets and vouchers. Our
company offers the finest services in terms of Online Reservation Software.

How the travel agents and
tour operators are helped by the tour operator software?

Online booking facility is
offer by the tour operator software
that will help you expand your business faster and in a very simple and
effective manner. The CRM (customer relationship manager) software improves your
client service relationship and develops your client interaction and increases
the sales expansion of your business.

Back-office functionalities,
bookings, CRM, and accounting are the things operated by tour operator
software. Online booking will be done immediately and efficiently in this tour
operator software. Your opportunities will lighten up by the tour operator
software for increasing productivity, sales and the range of travel products is
simple and fast and also be extended in the future.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

GDS Flight API Integration
GDS Flight API Integration Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣GDS Flight API
Integration - Global GDS

GDS (Global Distribution
System) is a global computerized booking network which is used as a single
point of connection for accommodating airplane seats, hotel rooms, car rentals
and other travel products for travel agents, online booking websites and
major corporations.

Global GDS is integrated
with GDS Flight API integration enabling travel agents and travel portal
websites to book flights online. We have also designed and established, booking
engine which are integrated with GDS functionalities which are very useful for
airlines. We are also integrated with top GDS offering companies including
Amadeus, Sabre, Travelport, Worldspan and many more.

How Much Does GDS/API
Integration in Travel Portal Development

Online travel agencies,
travel consolidators, and advisors are adopting travel technology solutions to
earnings a competitive edge in the market. They are also retaining existing
clients and attracting new clients alongside. As a result, travel agencies have
come up with an innovative solution for the increase of their businesses. This
is through the GDS/API integration in travel portal software. This is a highly
adjustable and automated way to control your online travel agency (OTA).

During a travel portal
development for your travel business, GDS/API integration in travel portal is
important for your online travel agency. It allows you and your clients access
to a large inventory of flights, hotels, tour packages, etc. The GDS/API
integration facilitates your clients to connection large inventories on one
platform rather than going to several platforms to make various bookings.
Therefore, to attract and retain customers, it is a must to integrate GDS/API
with your travel portal.

GDS API integration for a
Successful Expansion of Your Business Globally

Global Distribution System is
an automated network that joins travel agencies and companies to
Suppliers/aggregators for flights, hotels, vehicle rental, holiday packages,
etc. GDS stores the latest data of
different suppliers, which strengthens the travel agencies to give updated
information to their customers.

GDS Integration offers a
centralized reservation system for online travel agencies. It is an asset for
travel companies to get services from independent suppliers like hotels,
airlines, and car rental organizations on a single platform. Through single GDS
API integration, Online travel companies can increase their business by
reaching a wider audience.

As a best API integration
company, Global GDS has years of experience integrating services for airlines,
hotels, car rental, bus, cruise, payment and SMS gateways, etc. Global GDS has
a team of developers for extraordinary integration services for all major GDSs
like Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo, and Worldspan.

How Does GDS API Integration
Play an Important Role in the Travel Industry?

The travel industry is the
major contributor to the GDP of a country, making it very competitive. Staying
ahead in competition demands travel businesses upgrade to integrate GDS
software. It connects travel businesses to major GDSs globally containing,
Amadeus, Sabre, Worldspan, Galileo, etc. GDS plays a significant role in the
travel industry as it has transformed the entire picture of the travel sector.
Global distribution systems act as online booking systems for
travel businesses.

At Global GDS, we give the
most exceptional GDS integration services that deliver great satisfaction to
many clients in the travel industry. With our years of expertise, we can
consider the exact require of your business. Our GDS integration solution
offers a user-friendly platform for travel agencies to manage their bookings.

Why GDS API Integration is
important for the travel and tourism business?

The Global GDS is a best GDS API integration
company. It is a special integration partner of global distribution systems.
This company has integrated the GDS with APIs totally. The Global GDS is an
approve partner of GDS systems to integrate hotels, airlines, bus and rental
cars with B2B, B2C and B2B2C modules. It even helps other powerful modules.

GDS API integration is a
central booking tool for the OTAs – Online Travel Agents. GDS is a network
which is computerized and is single stop for having accessories from airline
seats to the hotel rooms. A GDS gathers and consolidates travel information
from varying spectrum of providers of service and approves agents to book
airplane seats, hotel rooms and cars and busses on rental.

Features of GDS Flight API

Displays Global Hotels, Cars, and Airlines

Both B2B and B2C can be accessed

Book the most suited seat and services via

Broaden your coverage with travel agencies
& agents

Quick and easy connectivity

Successfully targeting all travel agencies
and agents with best rates and commissions

Information maintenance becomes simple with

Easier connectivity and mapping of content

Exposure of inventory on new distribution

Travel Agents & Agencies can access
inventory anytime, anywhere!

Flight API Integration

APIs authorize the
interaction between the data, applications and devices. It delivers data
between devices and programs. It helps to run the business simply and
benefiting the users by offering real time service access on their device. In
this current world, the internet has become a fundamental piece of our life day
by day. This faith in cell phones develop accomplished application improvement.

Why is it necessary for
every OTA to Have Flight API Integration?

With the help of flight API integration,
all the modern travel agencies are going online and offering the travellers
content as per their choice and requires. Due to content of booking and fast
results of the online flight booking API system, millions of travellers prefer
buying online products and services.

Flight API integration makes
the travel company whole. In terms of reginal limits, license, fares and
prices, getting access to the big airline inventory system is not very easy. It
is a crucial work to get the real-time data of a large industry increase across
the globe. Travel technology has introduced flight booking API system to
resolve this problem. It will offer easy access to the real time information of
airline industry.

What are the Benefits of flight
API integration?

Enables flight search both domestic and

Simple to use the portal

Multi-language support and multi-payment

Real-time book along with airfare calendar

Has additional baggage allowance features

Easy to use admin panel.

Made safe and secure with SSL security and
virus protection.

Provides competitive payments for portal

Easy to manage the complete inventory using
one single system.

You can book, confirm, modify all your
bookings through a single API integration

GDS API Integration Services

Global Distribution System
(GDS) is a global computerized reservation system
used as a single point of network for booking airline seats, hotels, car
rentals, and other travel related services by travel agents, travel booking
sites. It assures everything from airline tickets, car rentals, hotel booking
and vacation packages. It allows users to purchase tickets from several
providers or airlines.

GDS can relationship
services, rates and bookings consolidating products and services across all
three travel sectors: for example, airline reservations, hotel reservations and
car rentals. Global GDS integrates with world’s leading GDS including Amadeus
GDS, Galileo GDS, Sabre GDS, Travelport GDS, etc. We offer GDS software, GDS
system, global distribution system, GDS booking solutions to global travel

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Travel Booking Engine API (1)
Travel Booking Engine API (1) Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Travel Booking Engine
API - Global GDS

Travel booking engine API
is a tool that is integrated into your website and approves your clients to
make reservations online. That means
that thanks to the booking engine develop into your website, passengers buy
directly from you. Great benefits of this system: there are no intermediaries
or surprises, and the hotel-client relationship is strengthened without anyone
acting as a mediator. And there is further for you, it also means the cut of

Travel Booking API

Travel Booking API
is our standardized XML interface solution for travel agency, which offers a
simple set of XML request and response, after integrating travel API from us
you can search any of travel suppliers, make booking with them, retrieve
information of existing bookings, generate and retrieve clients, fetch flight,
bus and hotel content etc.

If you are looking to
generate own booking engine with flight booking, bus ticket booking, and hotel
booking solution should integrate XML response travel API in your travel
booking engine.

Our travel API can approve
you to add live pricing and booking functionality with multiple supplier
integrations. By integration of Travel API (bus booking API, flight booking
API, hotel booking API) with your travel website you can allow clients search
for availability, retrieve your content and descriptions and make bookings with
simple process.

What is a booking engine and
how to use it?

The operation of an online
booking engine consists of combining to the hotel's website and securely
processing reservations made through it. The information is then transferred to
the establishment's management system so that it can contact and handle reservations.

The booking engine can also
sync with the company's Facebook profile, in addition to the travel website
designers. This means that clients can reserve the rooms without visiting the
official website or any other online travel site. It's a beautiful handy way
for travelers to make reservations.

In real-time and allow
clients to select their preferred dates and complete the reservation process
the booking engine will display rates and availability. They can consist of
other functions, such as automating the sending of the reservation confirmation
by email. A booking engine can also be integrated with a channel manager and
can be handled in the same way as the online travel companies to which the
establishment is connected.

What is API and how is it
important for the travel services?

API stands for Application
Programming Interface. It is basically a technology that helps the people to
join with the people offering various type of travel services.
API has many certain in store for you in numerous ways. If you are running a
travel business, then there are chances that you might be giving multiple tour
packages. But now people belief a lot more than that.

They look for the weather
situations, hotels, flight tickets etc. to name a few of them. Without a proper
API system, you cannot offer all the necessary information or the details to
your clients. If you are still not certain to use API then we have brought you
a list of the assets of API in the travel sector.

You will get an opportunity to extend and
enhance your revenue for the existing channels.

Your travel services will get a wider reach
in terms of everything.

External sources of innovation and increase
the profit graphs.

Why Choose Global GDS for
your Online Travel Booking Portal?

Global GDS gives the leading
online travel
booking portal for travel agents and tour operators. Hotels, Flights,
Tours, Transfers, Train, and Car Rental all in one Packages. Many XML
suppliers, flight GDS, customized packages, and dynamic packages all are in the
online travel booking portal.

Our professional developer develops
the online travel booking portal with the best travel technology solution based
on clients’ requirements.

B2C is an online travel booking engine that
works across the global market and as the name suggests B2C is directly done
between business and consumer.

The B2C booking engine platform is a
user-friendly interface where customers can also book as guest users in it.

B2C Booking Engine offers Booking Specials,
Tours Packages, End moment offers, Easy and simple reservations for hotels, and
the safest payment options for B2C users.

This magnificent booking engine platform lets
you grab B2C customers to make more sales. Excellent checklist, instinctive
UIs, and finest of its category bring the edge.

The B2C reservation engine is developed with
exclusive technology to convey the highest quality application. Server,
bandwidth, and performance are the stuff that we take care

Travel Booking Engine

Consisting of Android and
iOS apps, a website, and an admin section, our travel booking
engine solutions are for all travel and hospitality firms who want to
establish their business swiftly. Our wide range of expertise in web and app
solutions offers us the benefit of having the necessary skills to create a
phenomenal digital presence.

The much-needed travel and
tourism software pave the way for easy travel plans and smooth website
management from both ends. With updated information, prompt contact with
clients, and a wonderful user interface, your business is sure to succeed in
every aspect of it.

Features of Travel Booking

Manage Suppliers

Unique URL for each travel product and

Markup Management Mobile Application

Comprehensive reporting system

Online Booking engines

Benefits of Travel Booking
Agency Software:

Quick & Efficient Online Travel Portal.

Auto-general email confirmation feature.

Availability check feature.

Travel CRM Functionality.

Instant Purchase of services.

Reduce Operation Costs.

Accounting Management.

Travel Contract Management.

Travel API Integration

Global GDS offers Travel API integration
services for the travel agency and representative. API Integration is the
end-to-end process of fetching data from leading travel API providers and
displays it to the other website. In Hotel API Integration, Flight API
Integration, Bus API integration, Car API integration, the developer will
connect the API with the provider and display the need data into the other

Global GDS offers travel
APIs with flights, hotels, LCCs, cars, business. ETC A travel API approve you
to integrate third-party GDS/Wholesaler listings/feeds into the booking engine
on your site.

How Travel API Integration
Development Works?

Travel APIs are often
divided into two several categories, or more accurately, the most commonly used
Travel APIs are for hotel and flight bookings. Both hotels and flights are merge
to one or more GDS systems in order to sell their hotel rooms or flight tickets
online on a regular basis, updating their prices, availability, and so on.
Now, the GDS system has hundreds of vendors across several countries using
different interfaces for this GDS system.

B2B Interface a supplier is
connected directly to the GDS system by payment of an annual instalment deposit
and a fee and contact and start selling the GDS listings and flight tickets.
White Label Interface some of the GDS approve providers to have a white label
interface directly and enable providers to book directly from their website.
API Interface This is how things are all going better!! The supplier will use
the API interface, which offers various detail such as accessible information,
costs, etc., to obtain hotel inventory or flight tickets from the GDS.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Sabre Reservation System
Sabre Reservation System Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Sabre Reservation
System - Global GDS

Sabre is a Global Distribution System
(GDS) owned by Sabre Corporation, a software and technology company dedicated
to offering expert service and innovative solutions to the travel industry
globally. Sabre GDS acts as the digital marketplace for personalized travel by
connecting travel representatives and airline companies around the world to
search fares, book, cancel and schedule different services offered by airlines,
hotels, car rental companies and various tour operators.

What is the Sabre
Reservation System?

The tour agencies and the
tour operators can use the travel networks to explore, rate and book Sabre. Our
Sabre solution is used to assist airlines to serve their clients effectively
and market themselves. Sabre travel encourages Sabre airlines to expand their
business reach to various types of travellers. Sabre GDS System establish power
travel applications by providing complete end-to-end services to the

Our travel booking system
services include flight reservation system, hotel booking system, car
reservation system, cruise and insurance model. The system connects the travel
services buyers and sellers and provides great support to travel agents through
online chat, call or email. Sabre API Integration is an effective channel that
helps airlines, car hire and hotels to enhance their share of the market to
business travellers. We are the specialist in sabre API integration for your
travel portal.

Sabre Airline Reservation

Sabre Airline Reservation System
approve a wide range of applications and data solutions to assist airlines to
vend themselves. It basically helps in the marketing of outputs, assisting
clients and working more effectively.

Sabre airline system
provides both airline reservations systems and a complete set of marketing and
business planning solutions. Its data-rich software supports airlines make
smarter operational decisions, personalize and retail their products to

Key Features of Our Sabre Booking

Flight XML API Integration (International
& Domestic)

Hotel XML API Integration (International
& Domestic)

Car API Integration

Agent Registration

Hotel Booking CRM

SMS API Integration

Discount Coupons for agent / Client

Booking Management module

Trip Advisor plugin integration

Payment Gateway Integration

Customer Login

Discount Management module

Benefits Of Sabre
Reservation System:

Real-time exposure and connection to a global
inventory of cars, airlines, hotels, and other travel-related entities.

Information maintenance is easy with GDS

Opening inventory to new distribution

It allows you to integrate any feature set up
by the web service into your custom applications.

Sabre software for travel agents facilitates
them to expand their business beyond the regional market.

Sabre technologies help make practical
decisions with the exact information.

What is the Sabre GDS

To put it easy, Sabre is an
important Global Distribution System (GDS) in travel industry, is presently
used by travel representatives and companies worldwide. The system supports
clients to search, book, price, and travel ticket services provided by airlines,
hotels, car rental, rail providers, and tour operators. This is all done
through Sabre GDS API integration.

Global GDS, a well-known
name in the travel industry, has GDS API integration with Sabre GDS. As you
know Sabre GDS is a renowned channel worldwide allowing travel representatives
to search and book flight seats, hotels, and other travel services. Sabre GDS
assists you with travel management by providing a pool of solutions to serve
your clients effectively.

Why integrate the Sabre GDS

Being superior in providing
one of the leading Global Distribution Services worldwide, we also offer web
service technology, (API/XML) and integration for clients for their online travel agencies.

The sabre web XML service
enables travel companies, tour operators, technology development partners, and
suppliers of flights, hotels, car and holiday packages service to simply
integrate our API/XML via the internet and thereby decrease the human effort
and money.

It is a globally recognised
computerized booking network which is used as a single point of access for
implement hotel rooms, aeroplane seats, car rentals and other travel products
for travel representatives, tour operators, and other corporations. The system
is a high-level process that involves highly skilled resources and is various
from the regular Flight booking services.

How can you integrate Sabre
GDS on your website?

Sabre is among the most
famously known Global Distribution System. Sabre offers many of APIs with which
you can pull data to your website as per your requirements. To integrate Sabre
GDS on your website, follow the following steps:

Create a Dev Studio account

Explore Sabre APIs and choose the most
relevant one for you.

A license key is provided to get you started.

In case you do not have any
experienced developers on board, you can also seek advice from a travel
technology consultant. A travel consultant gives you the technical guidance
that you need to build a fully functional travel platform. You could also hire
a SaaS platform to support you integrate Sabre GDS with your website.

A SaaS-based platform
typically gives you a travel platform that is hosted on the cloud with
different aspects of online booking. Building an Online Travel Agency (OTA) is
just a contract away, in case you wish to work with a SaaS-based company to
help you integrate the GDS. With these platforms growing an OTA takes two to
four weeks.

Sabre GDS API Integration

GDS Sabre API, earlier known
as Sabre Web Services provides fast and easy access to Sabre Integration System
enabling to integrate all Sabre System products and services into travel agents
travel portal with best features and functionality via Sabre GDS API

Global GDS has GDS API Integration
with Sabre GDS or Global Distribution System which is the most effective and
important distribution channels allowing travel agents to search and book best
airline seats, hotels, and other travel services online.

We provide leading Sabre GDS
API XML integration, synchronizing all Sabre System product and functionalities
into online travel portal of travel representatives and travel companies to
support them maximize their product providing and establish best customer
experience to increase online travel bookings.

integration is the most effective and cost-effective distribution channel that
helps airlines, hotels and vehicle hire organizations to maximize their market
reach generally to business and leisure travelers and maximize profitability.

Sabre GDS API Integration
and Development

Global GDS is a renowned
travel technology company with extensive experience in providing Sabre consulting,
development, and integration services to B2B and B2C travel management agencies. As
a leading provider of Sabre solutions, Global GDS has the knowledge and
expertise to help travel agencies and other businesses make the most of the
Sabre system and improve their operations.

Our team of developers has
expanded experience in integrating API credentials into websites, ensuring a
smooth and seamless experience for businesses once the website is delivered.
With our expertise, you can trust that your website will be fully functional
and able to take benefit of all the features and capabilities of the API. This
will help ensure continuity in your business operations, allowing you to focus
on other important tasks and growing strategies.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Galileo GDS System
Galileo GDS System Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Galileo GDS System - Global GDS

Galileo GDS system – offered by Travelport,
is one of the most sophisticated global distribution systems for travel
domain. Galileo GDS offers global distribution services for the travel industry
with advanced computer reservation software, top of the line travel system and
web services XMLs. B2B and B2C Galileo software with Travelport UAPI are
surging in across the world. In the last many years, Galileo GDS has become one
of the largest GDS systems.

We are a leading travel technology company
based across the world. We integrate global distribution systems including
Galileo GDS to travel companies worldwide. Our comprehensive travel software
combines flight reservation system, hotel booking system, car reservation
system, cruise and insurance schedule.

How Galileo GDS (Global Distribution System)

The Galileo GDS
travel software interconnects travel agents with airline, hotel, car
rental and other service providers via a single platform. The software is
connected to the database of these companies and allows access to the
representatives to let them contact information about seat, rates, availability
and discounts. The Galileo travel software integrates all these system at one
place and allows its contact from a single dashboard.

Why Galileo GDS?

The travel agents / tour operators can grasp
maximum number of buyers or travel partners and travel distributors.

Increase in the revenue.

Increase in efficiency.

Lower operating cost.

Increase in productivity.

Allows to capture new marketing opportunity.

Real time access to inventory

How to Connect Your Hotel to Galileo GDS?

The most common process for combining a hotel
to the Galileo GDS is to go through a GDS provider, who will then link the
hotel to all major global distribution systems at the same time. Numerous
companies offer this.

Most GDS providers have relation with
property management systems, or hotel channel managers. As a result, hotels
have the potential to fully automate GDS system usage, and also to handle their listings –
including their hotel description, list of facilities and photos – all from a
single location.

Galileo GDS forms part of Travelport, which
is respect as one of the three major global distribution systems. These systems
are used to join hotels with travel representatives, who can use contact to
real-time inventories to sell hotel rooms to their customers. This can gain the
reach a hotel has, resulting in a greater number of bookings.

Key Features of Our Galileo Booking System:

Flight XML API Integration (International & Domestic)

Hotel XML API Integration (International & Domestic)

Car API Integration

Manage Holiday packages

Agent Registration

Sale Report

SMS My Booking

Hotel Booking CRM

Add Fund / e-Wallets for Travel Agent

Markup Management module

What Are the Benefits of Galileo GDS?

Agents to book flights, sell seats, book car hire and
hotel accommodation.

Shows real-time availability of seats, rooms, and prices.

A user-friendly and updated Computer reservation system

Has integrated payment gateways with secure payment

Promotes low fare shopping with branded fares

Low fare shopping on direct flights

Search flight with city or airport name

Galileo enables search for round way flights

Filter search results for flight arrival and departure

Galileo comes with the benefit of viewing flight fares

Galileo API Integration

Travelport’s Galileo GDS system is one of the
most leading global travel domain distribution systems. Galileo API offers
powerful computer reservation software, top line travel system and web services
XMLs for the travel industry worldwide.

Galileo is among the world's largest travel
content providers, serving travel agencies around the world as a technology
leader. B2B and B2C
travel software with Galileo Distribution System are spreading across
the world.

Galileo XML API Integration enables travel
companies and travel agents to book airlines, cruises, hotels, trains and
rental cars. Flight API Integration is fully integrated with the Galileo API
offering interactive functionality for travel agents.

Galileo API gives you with access to
reservations of airplane seats, hotel rooms, rental cars and other travel
industries. Galileo XML API Integration supports integrate all services in one
place, which in turn enables the travelers to discover the leading deals
available worldwide.

What is the procedure to integrate Galileo
GDS API to a travel booking website?

The Galileo
GDS system
(Global distribution system) is one of the most famous travel content providers
with their package of B2B and B2C travel software. The use of the Galileo XML
API integration assimilates the global travel data from several services into a
single platform. It helps travelers to find the good deals for every aspect of
travel. This includes the worldwide booking of airlines, cruises, hotel rooms and
rental cars.

The first step to be taken for the integration is to buy
the subscription of Galileo GDS to get access into their API modules.

There are various subscription models available, which
can be chosen based on the business needs and budget.

In the next stage, the actual integration takes place
through PUSH and PULL XML integrations methods.

This is carried out by a team of professional developers.
Once this is complete, the API needs to be certified.

Finally, the secure process of data upload and mapping
can begin for the final implementation.

How does the Galileo XML API Integration help
Travel Management Companies?

Galileo Travel Software is the apt CRS
(Computer Reservation System) owned by us, that fulfils all you require linked
to hotels, airlines, car rentals, etc. Our company is the leading provider of
the Global Distribution Systems (GDS) and includes Galileo GDS API to travel booking websites.

We are specialists in Galileo API
Integration, Galileo Web Services Development, and many other services,
supporting your travel company book thousands of airlines and hotel rooms

Galileo GDS Integration Services we offer

Flight Reservation System

Hotel Booking System

Car Reservation System

Cruise Booking System

Holiday Packaging System

B2B Online Booking Engine

B2C Online Booking System

Corporate Booking Module

Single or Multiple interface

Galileo Software

The evolution of Internet has made travel
easy and attractive. This is the cause for the development in the competition
within the travel industry. It is imperative to give exceptional services to
continue within the industry. You can do this using a Global Distribution
System (GDS) which offers your business to outshine the competition while
maintaining a steady improvement.

If you are an upcoming travel company and are
looking for a trustworthy platform to begin with or move your business to the
next level, Galileo GDS API integration can be an
excellent option for you. Global GDS integrates Galileo software, a classic
global reservation, which you can use for business management as well.

For more details, Pls visit our website:

B2B Travel Solutions
B2B Travel Solutions Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣B2B Travel Solutions
- Global GDS

Global GDS B2B strengthens
the capability of Tour Operators, DMCs, Consolidators and Travel Agents to
distribute their travel products efficiently to other business partners or sub
agents through an online eCommerce B2B website
portal. It creates opportunities for companies for going global; so, no
matter the business partners are within their region or outside, the system
works always and approve other partners to make bookings from anywhere,

Global GDS B2B system is
linked with many hotel suppliers, many flight suppliers including GDS &
LCC, suppliers for transfer & sightseeing, insurance, car rental and
modules for visa and services. The system also has inbuilt applications for
uploading own direct hotel contracts, fleet of transfers and sightseeing
allowing companies to give better rates to other business partners and being

Why Global GDS B2B Portal

Global GDS multichannel B2B
travel portal is the first ever web based travel portal
software solution for everyone including representatives, vendors, partners
and more importantly customers too to access the system and handle their

All the travel agencies can
contact this smart B2B software anytime, anywhere from mobile or desktop. Now
empower your sales & marketing process for improved engagement of tour
representatives, vendors & clients. With this automated and skilfully
designed B2B travel portal solution, tour operators can augment their business
growth and customer engagement.

Get hold of this pioneering
solution and solve all your daily business problem. Your team can save time and
spend it on more fruitful project to increase the business. Global GDS best B2B
travel portal solution offers the interactive B2B dashboard for simply use with
the report generation feature which will simplify your work a lot.

Who offers Travel Portal
Solutions for Travel Businesses?

As a well-reputed Travel Portal
Solution provider, we give a wide array of solutions to various travel businesses.
Our comprehensive travel portal advantages B2B clients across the globe. You
can explore our B2B travel portal software solution now!

With the development of a
highly able B2B online booking engine, we aim to deliver dependable and
high-functioning solutions. That is why travel agencies and tour
representatives depend on us for increasing earnings and decreasing overall
costs. Partnering with us will support you grow your business!

Our excellent B2B travel
portal aids travel representatives in booking flights, transfers,
accommodations, etc., with ease. In fact, you can even generate customized tour
packages effortlessly. For this, we have incorporated multiple features within
the portal. For instance, the notification system and the automated accounting
system are amazing. Apart from that, detailed sales reports and listing
management are included in the system.

B2B Travel Portal

Everything is now an online
game, from flight or train bookings to where to stay, and travelers these days are
relying on the internet to plan their travel, and even the most basic of their
plans are based on the insights offered by B2B travel

These days, travel portals
cover a wide range of arrangements, combining flights, hotels, rooms, car
rental services, additional services, and much more. You can mitigate these
concerns with a single click and a travel portal.

Global GDS creates an online
B2B Travel Agency platform to improve the ability of Tour Operators,
Consolidators, and Travel Agents to distribute movement or accommodation items
productively to various sub-specialists.

Global GDS believes that a
complete travel booking portal, a hotel booking system, online rental cars, or
transfer services can help you build your business by building a travel portal
with the B2B White Label. The B2B solutions for the subagents have been made
very beneficial because they can simply reserve travel products at a much cheap
rate from the agents.

Which is the Best B2B Travel
Portal Development Company?

Global GDS is the leading
B2B Travel Portal Development Company that offers the best B2B Travel Portal
with third-party API Integration of flight booking and hotel booking for the
travel agent. Our Experienced travel professionals establish Advanced features
for B2B Booking
Engine such as Hotel, Tour, Package, and Visa that enables you to upload
your own contracted products, integrate third-party suppliers, adjust pricing
and markup at runtime, create agent-wise reports, map banners, incorporate
business rules and simply take an insight into business sales.

With a wide range of B2B
Travel Portal features, Authorized agents can log on to your B2B portal, search
and book products, add a markup and pay for booking online. From the Admin
booking panel, they can view, email, or download booking vouchers or cancel the
booking of their clients from any device at any time.

How B2B Travel Portal
Development is an advantage To Your Business?

B2B Travel Portal
Development from Global GDS offers a wide range of advantages to your
company. The most prominent one is automated bookings and reservations. It
saves you from spending considerable time on research and booking various

We provide excellent
solutions to tour operators, travel representatives, aggregators, and
consolidators. The top-rated web-based interface aids in the smooth operating
of the system. You can increase access to various services, leading to an
increase in customer retention.

Another crucial benefit of
B2B Travel Portal Development is the cost-efficient approach. The ability to
modify or change various aspects of the travel prices in real-time leads to
maximized earnings and reduction in maintenance and operational costs.

You can also acquire contact
to real-time data on flight availability, hotel booking, airport transfers, and
more! It also gives critical customer insights, access to multiple reputed GDS
systems, etc.

B2B travel portal
development modules

There is a vast description
related to B2B travel software development modules. Here, we have mentioned
some essential modules associated with the B2B travel portal development.

Agent Registration and login

User Registration and login

Travel company login

Travel company dashboard management

Markup management

Cancelled booking status

Tracks vouchers/invoices

Real-time reporting facility

B2B White Label Travel

Global GDS is a top provider
of B2B White label
Travel Portal, where an online travel agency can onboard travel
representatives using B2B travel portal. travel agents take different logins of
the B2B travel portal to serve their clients in the best possible way.
Unlimited representatives can register and you can gain a very good commission
using travel portal solution B2B white label travel portal.

B2B white label travel
portal is the best option for those who have good experience in the travel
industry, B2B travel portal and can’t afford a lot of prices at the initial
stages of travel technology. At Global GDS, we give the most favourable
services at a very affordable price. Get a total and beneficial Business to
Business white label travel portal design for your brand. Promote your agency
as the good B2B travel portal and get more and more traffic to your B2B agent
travel portal.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Sabre Airline Reservation System
Sabre Airline Reservation System Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Sabre Airline
Reservation System - Global GDS

Sabre Booking System

Global GDS is a good travel reservation system
development company based in across the world. We integrate GDS systems
combining Sabre GDS for global travel management companies. Our travel
reservation system services include flight reservation system, hotel booking system,
car reservation system, cruise and insurance schedule. We have highly skilled
professionals in travel technology at our development centre, which is located
at across the world. The team is qualified to deliver top class reservation
systems and well trained in web services integration, user/sub-user modules and
XML live certification process.

Sabre reservation system
stands with lead position in airline reservation software and connected to
almost all the best airlines companies. It also offers solutions to travel
agencies by giving the desktop solutions (search & book) and web services
XML to join to core database. Sabre travel reservation system provides flights,
hotels, cars, cruise, holiday packages among others.

Key Features of Our Sabre
Booking System

Flight XML API Integration (International
& Domestic)

Hotel XML API Integration (International
& Domestic)

Cruise API Integration

Car API Integration

Manage Holiday packages

Agent Registration

Sale Report

SMS My Booking

Hotel Booking CRM

Benefits Of Sabre
Reservation System:

Real-time exposure and connection to a global
inventory of cars, airlines, hotels, and other travel-related entities.

Information maintenance is easy with GDS

Opening inventory to new distribution

It allows you to integrate any feature set up
by the web service into your custom applications.

Sabre software for travel agents facilitates
them to expand their business beyond the regional market.

Sabre technologies help make practical
decisions with the exact information.

How Does the Airline
Reservation System Work?

Airline Reservation System
developed by Global GDS, helping you handle and simplify airline ticketing.
This is a fully flexible solution for our online ticket booking system. We
work with major GDS (Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport) to offer an airline ticket
reservation system that can be readily modified to meet your needs and can
manage thousands of reservations each day. The solution is set up with an integrated
backend ERP system and may be apply at the same time by many users.

Besides certain additional
features, this joins the most common requirements for the customer. Booking of
tickets, replenishment of tickets, etc. Our software for booking tickets for
the airline is receptive and helps all new browsers, tablets, and mobile
phones. Global GDS has a modern, user-friendly interface and powerful
background architecture for online airline reservation systems.

Best Airline Reservations

Airline reservations software is
a client-facing reservation system that airline clients use to book flights.
Airlines leverage these applications to maintain all of their booking-related
tasks and streamline the reservations process.

Airline reservations systems
take into account various factors when managing the flight-booking process,
including available listings (seats available), airline schedules, and tax
rates. All of these are factored in when calculating flight costs at the time
of purchase. Airline employees use airlines reservations software to handle the
total reservations process, which can be complicated, and airline clients use
the application to book tickets.

Airline reservations
software mostly comes as part of a larger suite of aviation software. At the
very least, these systems interface with global distribution systems (GDS) and
independent airline distribution systems.

How Sabre Airline
Reservation System Is Beneficial for Travel Business?

Sabre Airline Reservation System is
complete airline quotation booking system support airlines to distribute flight
tickets online across different channels and optimize reservations for upcoming
flights. Sabre Airline reservation system helps travel companies to integrate
all flight-related data into online portal to offer customer with wide variety
of flight options with competitive flight fares.

Airline reservation system,
also known as Flight Reservation System is complete airline reservation
software solution integrate GDS/Flight XML services in travel representative
travel portal so they can simply access all flight data and functionality
online to decrease operational price, development and maintenance time.

Sabre Airline Reservation
System offers online reservations and inventory management solutions and
incorporate flight schedules, flight fares, fare tariffs, seat availability,
passenger reservations and records of flight ticket bookings in travel website.

Sabre GDS System for Your
Travel Application

Global GDS is a best travel portal company
across the world. We have integrated Sabre GDS solutions for Airlines, Travel
representatives, hotels and travel companies. We have a professional team in
travel technology in the development department.

Sabre is a computer
reservation system or Global Distribution System; through this system, we can
arrange schedules, fares, policies, rules and availability at the booking
system. Sabre gives a seamless travel data solution that makes finance and
accounting very simple. Sabre’s end-to-end travel and expense integration bring
all aspects of travel—reservation, itinerary, travel risk management, and
expense—into one seamless traveller experience.

The solution captures
transactions throughout the traveller experience and gives that data to
certified expense integration partners. Its rich travel expense data supports
clients analyze and handle costs, resulting in high-cost control, high
compliance and high client satisfaction.

Why does your traveling
business need the flight reservation software?

The flight reservation
software is known to offer as the most significant part of the whole travel
reservation software. The online flight booking engine
over the years has played quite a pivotal role in creating more incomes for
travel businesses by merging itself with an airline reservation system.

The airline reservation
system has also start in online sale of flight tickets. No matter what, but a
travel booking software in today’s times require to incorporate an air booking
engine as well. Only then, it can be useful and advantages for travel
businesses. With our travel flight reservation software and travel portal
development services, you can completely expect an incredible surge in the incomes
and surplus of your business.

A GDS is merged with an airline booking
engine by using Flight Booking API

Flight ticket software is installed with
Holiday Packages

Why integrate the Sabre GDS

Being superior in providing
one of the leading Global Distribution Services
worldwide, we also offer web service, (API/XML) and integration for clients for
their online travel agencies. The sabre web XML service enables travel
companies, tour operators, technology development partners, and suppliers of
flights, hotels, car and holiday packages service to easy integrate our API/XML
via the internet and thereby reduce the human effort and money.

It is a generally recognised
computerized booking network which is used as a single point of access for help
hotel rooms, aeroplane seats, car rentals and other travel products for travel
representatives, tour operators, and other corporations. The system is a
high-level process that need highly skilled resources and is various from the
regular Flight booking services.

With Sabre GDS (web services
integration), we offer following:

Flight Reservation System

Hotel Booking System

Car Reservation System

Cruise Reservation System

Transfer Booking System

Sightseeing Booking System

Sabre GDS Travel Software
Development Services

Global GDS is
revolutionizing online travel through developing online booking engines,
complete booking management systems, and reporting modules for flights, hotels,
cruise lines, holiday packages, car rentals, and railway reservations.

Sabre Software-as-a-Service

Sabre Platform Configuration

Sabre GDS API Integration

Sabre Travel Portal Development

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Galileo Travel Booking System
Galileo Travel Booking System Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Galileo Travel
Booking System - Global GDS

Galileo Booking System

Global GDS is a best travel reservation system
development company based in across the world. We integrate GDS systems
combining Galileo GDS for global travel management companies. Our travel
reservation system services include flight reservation system, hotel booking
system, car reservation system, cruise and insurance module. We have highly
skilled professionals in travel technology at our development Centre, which is
located at across the world. The team is certified to deliver top class
reservation systems and well trained in web services integration, user/sub-user
modules and XML live certification process.

Galileo reservation system
stands with lead position in airline reservation software and join to almost
all the leading airlines companies. It also provides solutions to travel
agencies by offering the desktop solutions (search & book) and web services
XML to connect to core database. Galileo travel reservation system provides
flights, hotels, cars, cruise, holiday packages among others.

Why Global GDS's Galileo
Travel Booking System?

Global GDS Galileo system is
one of the topmost retailers of travel products around the world. Our Galileo distribution system is
enriched with a progressive airline reservation system and with a cutting
boundary of travel products and solutions making the job simpler and more
accessible to the travel industry.

Our system was developed and
designed in such a way to maximize earnings by maintaining a wonderful leap
with their clients and travel products. Our GDS systems have emerged over time
from processing flight bookings only to processing booking of hotels, cars, and
buses, etc. GDS systems form the base of online travel software. Online travel
agencies and clients worldwide use travel software integrated with GDS systems
to book travel services they want.

Global GDS Offer Galileo
Booking System for:

B2B (Business to Business)

B2C (Business to Customer)

Corporate reservation system

Combo (B2B + B2C)

Flight Booking

Hotel Booking

Transport Booking

Key Features of Our Galileo Booking System:

Flight XML API Integration (International & Domestic)

Hotel XML API Integration (International & Domestic)

Car API Integration

Manage Holiday packages

Agent Registration

Sale Report

SMS My Booking

Hotel Booking CRM

Add Fund / e-Wallets for Travel Agent

Markup Management module

Galileo GDS Integration

Global GDS is a best web development company
giving travel portal development with core expertise in developing
self-reservation system for the travel company of all size. We integrate
Galileo GDS system for the IATA representatives through web services.

Our Galileo GDS integration
team establish the good integrated system by adding maximum number of possible
inventories need to book flights, hotels, cars and cruise through Galileo GDS
system. Our Galileo GDS based flight booking and reservation engines give
low-risk implementation and help for flight search, booking and ticketing using
all major GDS such as Amadeus and Sabre, especially Galileo.

Galileo GDS Integration Services we offer

Flight Reservation System

Hotel Booking System

Car Reservation System

Cruise Booking System

Holiday Packaging System

B2B Online Booking Engine

B2C Online Booking System

Corporate Booking Module

Single or Multiple interface

Integration of Galileo GDS
API with a Travel Website

Galileo being the most
sought-after GDS system is handle for the global distribution services in the
travel industry with advanced computer reservation software and
other web services. Galileo GDS System hosts the best integrated system for the
customers by giving a wide variety of inventory, related to flights, hotels and
vacations. Travelport in combination with Galileo gives bookings of airlines,
hotels, and car rentals with options of B2B travel portal and B2C travel

The Galileo GDS travel
software acts as a bridge between the travel agents and the service providers
in a single platform. It offers the travel representatives with necessary
information about seats, availability and fares.

How Does Galileo GDS API
Integration Work in Travel?

Galileo is an application
program interface (API) that authorizes clients to create an interface such as
a website, linked to the Galileo. The Galileo GDS API can be handled for
airline, car, hotel, and cruise availability and booking. The information exchange
is carried via Galileo XML Select and Travelport Universal API.

It integrates all the
services at a place and this, in turn, aids travelers to find the leading deals
which are available across the world. We are the world’s best Galileo API Integration
supplier who has long and successful clients across the world who are satisfied
and take the services of the company.

We have highly skilled
experts in travel technology at our development centre, the team is qualified
to deliver superior reservation systems and is well trained in web services
integration, user/sub-user modules and XML live certification process.

Galileo Software

The evolution of Internet
has made travel comfortable and attractive. This is the reason for the increase
in the competition within the travel industry. It is imperative to offer
exceptional services to continue within the industry. You can do this using a Global Distribution System
(GDS) which allows your business to outshine the competition while maintaining
a steady growth.

If you are an upcoming
travel agency and are looking for a dependable platform to begin with or move
your business to the next level, Galileo GDS API integration can be an
excellent option for you. Global GDS offers to integrate the Galileo software,
a classic global reservation, which you can use for business management as

Why Choose the Galileo

Galileo’s API integration is
effective in transacting airline data management and data intelligence
solutions for global air services. It has other contributions like:

E-ticket system.

Passenger management.

Facilitates online shopping.

Bookings and reservations.

Business management system.

Galileo Reservation System

Global GDS is the best
travel technology provider who gives Galileo Reservation System for travel
agents. Galileo GDS is a single platform that offers services like flights,
rooms, cab service, etc. Galileo provides a helping hand to the movement
(travel) sector by giving a reservation system because it has an online reservation system. Galileo is a trustworthy aggregator of travel
inventory, committed toward helping its customers in every situation and
through them, growing decisions for travellers around the world.

Galileo is one of the
world’s major computerized reservations systems handle by the travel business.
It provides authority to tour operators or OTA to make a booking of flight,
booking seats, issue tickets, book cabs, and hotel convenience.

Global GDS gives a
front-line Galileo Reservation System for flight booking, hotel booking, transport
booking, holiday booking, vacation rentals etc.

Galileo is one of the
significant GDS including Amadeus and Sabre, which is fuelling a few travel
booking systems. Galileo has been one of the most favoured CRS frameworks by
travel organizations, OTAs (Online Travel Agencies), and TMCs (Travel
Management Companies). The fundamental purpose of why Galileo is preferred is
because of its advantage.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Travel Software Development
Travel Software Development Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Travel Software
Development - Global GDS

Travel Software Development is
process of developing online travel software to streamline day to day travel
activities for travelers and Travel Company including Tour Operator, Travel
Agent, Travel Agency, Destination Management Company and Travel Management
Company for vacation planning, hotel booking, transfer booking, travel plans
and more.

Travel Software Development
Company offer innovative travel software for Travel Agent, Tour Operator,
Online Travel Agency (OTAs), Travel Management Company (TMCs), Destination
Management Company (DMCs), Hospitality Professionals and Travel Company. Our
Experienced team establish highly-customized travel software based on client
business requirements.

With our innovative travel
software, Travel Agent and Travel Company can fully automate the booking
processes, sell products & develop business relationship with travel
suppliers and partners to maximize tour business.

Global GDS Incorporating the
Latest Technology in Travel Software Development

For the Startups as well as
the established travel service provider, we have an entire travel portal solution to
cater your various requirements. Our travel portal software fulfils the needs
of various holiday travel software applications as well.

Global GDS present to
develop all kind of website development solution. We create strong working
relationships while adding value to the solutions we provide. Global GDS continues
to pile up, serving a wide range of happy clients across 8 countries of the
world. If you are looking for a new software or web, branding-related services,
hit the official website of Global GDS.

Why Work with Global GDS for
Travel Software Development?

Choosing the right
technology partner for your dream project is nothing like a cakewalk. As the
travel sector is getting innovative day-by-day, it is important for your travel software to
have all latest features and functionalities to keep you ahead of your
competitors. Here are few reasons why you should work Global GDS:

Enhanced Customer Experience

Data Security


Result-Oriented Solutions

Agile Methodology

Expert Developers

What all you get in Travel
Software Development?

Global GDS is leading Travel
Software Development Company offers IT Software Solutions with advanced Travel
Software Development and Travel Mobile App Development Service to
help our clients to improve operational efficiency and accelerate growth

Travel Software for end-to-end automation of
travel operations.

Custom Travel software development based on
business requirements.

Combining travel industry expertise, travel
software development and supreme customer service to improve travel business

Management of dedicated Software Development
teams serves as extensions of clients’ in-house IT departments.

How to choose Right Travel
Agency Software Development Company?

Choosing the correct travel
agency software development company can be difficult if you are not
acknowledged of the correct process.

Complete years of experience in the travel

Types of development services the company

Types of modules and coding languages used by
the company

Awareness of the B2B and the B2C modules

Partnership with top GDS services providers.

Payment gateways integrated into the projects

The success rate of the projects delivered

Travel Software Development

Travel portal development

Travel Planning Solution

Ticket Booking Software

Travel CRM Software

Hotel Management Software

Hotel Reservation Software

Which are the key features
of Travel Software Development?

Real-time inventory for Booking Management.

Hotel Extranet System.

Third-Party API Integration.

Multi Currency and Multi Language Feature.

Secured Payment Gateway Integration.

Mobile Friendly Design.

Easy to set markup

Benefits of Travel Software

Pandemic transformed the
travel industry, generate the need for automation and flexibility. Growing
customized travel software is your answer to the new market demands. Hospitality
software development services can good your business in numerous ways:

Modernize strategy by bringing your travel or
hospitality business online

Expand your clientele and better satisfy
client's needs, whether it is booking, payments or discount notifications

Automate your services and ensure that your
business is on track with the digitization tendencies

Online Travel Management
Software Development

Global GDS crafts software
tools that will strengthen and boost your organization's growth. Travel CRM Software Development in
Global GDS is done by our team of experts with years of experience and great
knowledge who have worked and successfully produced various CRM development

Global GDS Travel CRM
Software Development can help your organization to Boost sales quantity,
efficiently integrate the system with third-party software, effortlessly
incorporate new modules, customize content, streamline processes, easily add
new products and services. Our online travel booking system provides best
online travel booking engine with B2B and B2C travel solution, we provide
features such as:

Reservation Management

Travel Agent Management

Transactional Accounting

Accounting System Integration

Payment Gateway Integration

Add direct contracts

Multilingual travel websites

Add offline travel bookings

Distribute white labels

Manage multiple branches

Global GDS Travel Management
Software that Grows with You

Global GDS is a travel
management software that automates the sales process, increase sales
efficiency, enhance response time and contribute to inclining growth. It
enables you to collaborate with customers and team members to develop user experience.
It streamlines your processes to decrease manual data entry, eliminate
redundancies, and fast up your sales process.

Global GDS travel agency management software is
equipped with numerous features offering sales automation. It is one of the
very few software in the travel domain right now that are generate solely for
professionals like travel agents, tour operators, DMCs, OTAs, etc.

Some of the major features
of the software include account & contact management, lead &
opportunity management, task management, itinerary and report creation,
customer relationship management, and mass mailing. These features promote fast
deals closer, build better customer relationships, boost sales, and create an
effective collaborative environment. With Global GDS, you can enhance the
productivity of your company and increase your revenue.

Travel Agency Management
Software to Turn Your Business into a Success

The travel industry is
highly competitive. To thrive in such a market, travel agencies need
specialized online tools and applications to run smooth business operations and
development their sales. One such application is Global GDS travel management software.

Dedicated travel management
software allows for collaborative working and eliminates multiple working
processes. It also gives different management features to sales automation,
lead & opportunity management, and develop customer experience. This
contributes to an increase in the overall productivity, sales and earnings of
the company.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Online Hotel Booking Portal
Online Hotel Booking Portal Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Online Hotel Booking
Portal - Global GDS

Online Hotel Booking
Websites are a popular method for booking hotel rooms. Today on the internet so
many hotels booking websites/apps are accessible. The hotel booking process
must be flawless and user-friendly to attract more customers and gain sales.
Every hotel’s goal is to gain their business and to earn the benefit. We can’t
ignore the fact that Booking a hotel through the representative is the
time-consuming process.

Online Hotel Booking Website
is the best platform, as it adds many benefits and you can simply book the
hotel or room through the internet. It discovers more information about a hotel
which is situated in a particular place and you can also select a hotel
according to your demands and choice. A hotel reservation system enables
clients to schedule dates and length of stay, room selection, extras, and
payment all in one place. Most of the tourists can book the hotel from the
airport online.

What is online booking

Put simply, an online
booking platform is a website where potential clients can reserve accommodation
without connecting with the proprietor directly. Instead, they fill up a form,
pay in advance (if necessary), and get an electronic document as the
confirmation of the booking.

Online reservation portal provides a list of
available properties registered by owners, and filters to simplify the choice.
For example, users can sort hotels by accessible dates, prices, location, type
of property, amenities, sightseeing places or proximity to subway stations, and
so forth. This way, finding a suitable room becomes so much simple!

How Does the Hotel Booking
System Work?

The hotel booking system is
essentially an online booking engine that aids in processing hotel reservations
smoothly. Here, the bookings made by the hotel website are handled. Travelers
can check out the accessibility of accommodations in real time and then proceed
with the online bookings.

After this, the system gives
instant confirmations of the bookings. It is an excellent way to attain entire
customer satisfaction. There are two
features of the online hotel booking system. These include the front end, which
the clients use, and the back end, which is managed by tour operators and
travel businesses.

The front end of the hotel
booking system has a user-friendly layout. That is to make sure that the
clients can search, check, book, and make payments for the accommodations
smoothly. Generally, first-time customers fill out a form offering the details
necessary to make the process simpler.
After that, the users must generate an account and log in with a
password. The booking systems invest heavily in security. Thus, you can opt for
online payments without fear about fraud. After the booking is done, the users
get instant notifications that give detailed information on the booking.

Features of Hotel Booking

The booking attribute should be completely
automated to spare the employees time to reserve each and every client.

The direction can focus on employing its
manpower in certain other constructive and beneficial work.

This attribute along with the dynamic site
saves owners their precious time and money in dealing with the third-party

The hotel management web portal will also
help in enhancing the sales with the possibility of social media and search

Optimization services. This hotel portal
development will help in increasing the hotel's Yearly revenue, the percentage
could also increase exponentially.

The software should enable the hotel
management to manage customer queries with the assistance of emails and short
messaging services.

The Benefits of Online Hotel
Booking Systems

24*7 online reservation system

Hassle free management of bookings

Work smart insights into your business

Increase revenues thanks to upselling

Payments are easier and faster

Cut your workload

New booking trend

B2B Hotel Booking Portal

As most of the travelers
like to book hotels for their stay online, getting best hotels at affordable
rates is what people look for. Global GDS has been associated with different
brands and brought the best offers for its partners to serve their customers.
With Global GDS, our store partners are able to book hotels efficiently with
the good offers. To offer the smooth and hassle-free experience, our experts
provide the training and support.

One of the leading B2B portals for
hotel booking, Global GDS gives seamless experience. Hotels can be booked
within few minutes with 2-3 steps. Global GDS is one stop solution for hotel
bookings as we offer bookings for every part of the nation. Book hotels anytime
with Global GDS app and save your customers from the last-minute hustle. We
have the highest percentage of commission for our partners. With different
options at one place, you can increase the customers walk-ins at your store and
get significant gains.

What Is Booking Engine and
How Does It Help Hotel Business Grow?

Global GDS is a Booking
Engine for Hotel’s website and Channel Manager with high transformation, and
powerful hotel management
reports. Our Booking Engine for Hotels is designed to develop conversions and
increase direct bookings. Our booking engine easy integrates into new and
existing websites.

A booking engine that works
with your channel manager protect that your room inventory across all your
online channels is automatically updated. Hotel Software naturally updates all
exchange in real-time. We offer a dynamic booking system that can performance
operations independently and give 24X7 services.

Our Booking Engine for
hotels, apartments, and B&B are tools that provide you to transform your
website into a direct sales channel. The main advantage of a booking engine is
to increase transformation, which is the number of visitors to the site who
actually book a room. We provide a booking engine that increases conversion to
a simple, elegant, and secure interface.

Our online hotel booking
engine optimizes your booking funnel by seamlessly integrating the booking
procedure on the hotel’s website and tracking user behaviour all the way to the
hotel booking engine. Your booking engine can take credit card information and
work with an online merchant service or integrate with a Payment connection to
process deposits and payments.

Hotel Booking Engine

The majority of online booking engines can
be integrated into an actual hotel website to serve as the reservation
processing mechanism.

The key benefit of using a
booking engine for hotels is that it approves them to capture new reservations
without paying fees from third-party distribution networks such as OTAs, GDSs,
travel agents, or online marketplaces. Customers can book online at any time
and from any place, and if a payment access is integrated, their credit cards
will be charged immediately.

Hotel Booking System website

Global GDS gives a platform
by which a customer makes an online Hotel Booking unique. Our Hotel Booking
System is directly linked to the APIs in which the data is fetched directly and
the results are displayed in the form an Invoice. After selecting the hotel
segment, it will turn to the payment gateway for payment. And then the customer
can create the invoice.

Hotel Booking System is a
one stop solution which uses content from different suppliers that can meet the
exact requirements of your customers. Nowadays a wide range of accommodation
choices is available at every location with multiple pricing and availability.
So, navigating through different suppliers can be a tedious task. To make it
easy, Hotel API is integrated to get access to the global Hotel Content and
best deals. With Hotel API Integration,
your clients get wider choice of hotels with Realtime availability and

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Travel Portal Booking Engine
Travel Portal Booking Engine Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Travel Portal Booking
Engine - Global GDS

Travel Booking Engine

Travel portal development has
become a buzzword. Travel companies globally, are adjusting up for innovative
and cost-effective solutions for exploring the technological give to market
their products. So excellent is the power of the travel tech wave that
traditional travel agencies are becoming obsolete. According to recent
statistics, half of all travelers are more given to find a new holiday
destination online and make flight, cab and hotel bookings from a single portal.

What is Online Travel Booking
Portal and How it is Beneficial?

Online Travel Booking Portal is
the entire travel booking software solution for travel agencies and tour
operators. Through this Online travel booking portal, clients can search and
book their travel services (hotels, flights, transfers, packages, activities)
online and pay online simply.

Global GDS is one of the
leading travel technology companies that develops the best Online travel
booking portal for travel agents and tour operators to increase their booking
with brand awareness and complete their business goals.

Key Features of Our Travel
Booking Engine

Advanced Search Facility

Easily Navigable and Multilingual Feature

Safe And Secure Payment Gateway Integration

Domestic & International Flight Bookings

Hotel Booking

Bus & Car Bookings

Built-In Email & SMS Functionality

Holiday Booking System

Expand your sales with 24/7
online travel booking for your B2C & B2B Travel Business

Smart Travel Booking Engine
is a mobile optimized B2C B2B Travel Booking Engine
solution for all requires of a travel management company. It is an end-to-end
solution for all your travel needs, which can be used by travel
representatives, travel companies, travel consultants and travel agencies.

Tightly integrated with multiple GDSs and
hotel providers

Single screen availability for flights and

Built in house from the ground up using
Microsoft’s robust ASP.NET platform

What is B2C portal

B2C is an acronym for
Business to Consumer. Like B2B, B2C is also a key element for travel website.
B2C is a Travel Portal Development offering information about flight booking,
hotel booking, tour, transfer, package, and much more to customers. The portal implements
customers to search and book tickets online. Being a travel portal for retail
sales, it implements businesses to sale more and boosts their ROI.

Global GDS is a top B2C
Travel Portal Development Company offering B2C travel portal and online travel
booking portal to establish a full exceptional travel booking portal for tour
operator, travel representatives, and travel companies so that they can yield
high earnings eventually.

How does B2C Travel portal
Booking Engine Work?

Well, the B2C travel portal booking engine
works throughout the world and global travel market business. As you already
know that the connection of B2C occurs directly between business and customer.

Being a user-friendly
booking engine platform, customers have access to book tickets directly from
the platform. What consumers expect from B2C booking engine So B2C booking
engine has plenty of things to provide which include easy-breezy reservation,
tour package, special booking package, hotel, flight, car, bus booking at
pocket-friendly prices. No doubt, B2C travel portal booking engine is quite an
affordable and good option available for B2C end-users.

Why Global GDS B2C Travel
Booking engine is ideal for any type of travel business?

White Label B2C Travel Portal

We provide powerful, Interactive, and
sophisticated Online Booking Engine.

Multiple payment options supported on all B2C
Travel Portals.

We are quite renowned to provide stellar
website with incredibly powerful & interactive features and high speed and
scalability in performance at its best

Live chat and feedback options for customers
are also provided on the website

Registration and membership facility for

Email and Social Media flyer generator and
multilevel markup management

We also provide highly interactive and crisp
UX Copy, and appealing themes, layout options and widgets

B2C portal solution is designed to enhance
the profitability of your business by directly offering inventories to the

Travel Portal Development

Global GDS offers a Travel Booking Software
from where any Customer, Agent, or Enterpriser can do Flight Booking, Hotel
Booking, Car Booking, Bus Booking, or Holiday Package Booking. We provide
different types of travel portals like B2C Travel Portal, B2B Travel Portal,
B2E Travel Portal, B2B2B Travel Portal, and B2B2E Travel Portal. An Online
Travel Portal has different types of API integration for Travel services like
Flight, Hotel, Car, Bus etc.

Nowadays, travel has become
a part of one’s life as it plays a vital role in our daily requires. In this
modern era, people want everything to be done within a few clicks. We can make
this possible by growing a Travel Portal Website or Application. Our team has
experience in Travel Technology and IT, which allows us to develop quality
software that can meet all Travel Portal Solution needs. Our travel website
designs consider travel representatives, corporate agents, start Up travel
companies and Tour Operators.

Global GDS is an ideal
choice for the ones who want to increase their Tours and Travel business by
Travel Website Development. Our team gives flexible, profitable, and
cost-effective Online Travel Agency Software. Our company gives a wide variety
of products for travel services.

What is Travel Portal
Development Service?

Travel Portal development
may support inbound and outbound Tour operators, Online Travel agencies,
Travel Agency, and Travel companies to automate the operations, sales,
marketing, creating leads, package customization, itinerary creation, quotation
management and establish a better and more extensive portfolio of their
products such as activities to development bookings, transfers, hotels, flights
and much more.

Travel portal development
may help the Travel agency handle their package customization, booking,
quotation management, and itinerary creation to development travel products
such as flights, transfers, hotels, and activities to increase bookings.

Global GDS is a market-best
travel portal development company that provides travel portal development
services for tours, activities, attractions, and travel agencies. Travel agency
software may ease the process of listing management, package customization,
itinerary creation, accounting, and online booking, simplify business leads,
maximize bookings, decrease cost, and much more for a Travel agency.

What Is a White Label Travel
Booking Engine?

Travel agencies who have
already purchased the theme or have the design already planned can take a white label booking engine.
For the b2c travel portal, they can take a b2c booking engine, and for the b2b
travel portal, they can take a b2b booking engine. If the agents want to
conduct both the business, then agents should believe both the travel booking
engines. A travel agent’s designer can implement the booking engine code on the
website. It is hassle-free to implement, and the travel portal gets ready in no

Global GDS provides the
leading white label travel portal development in across the world. Please check
a short demo of the white label travel portal backend. For a total demo,
proposal, and to know the white label travel portal development price, please
contact us. Fill in the analysis form to start the conversation with our travel
technology solution consultants.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Flight API Integration
Flight API Integration Austin billy 1 Views • 1 year ago

⁣Flight API
Integration - Global GDS

Flight API
Integration is a software solution that integrates all the
flight-associated searches at a place and as a result, displays the most
desirable options accessible for the travelers. It decodes the real-time search
data and sends the requirements of the travelers to the benefit providers. The
airlines, in response to the query, inform the clients about the best options,
deals, and discounts to the travelers. In this way, the travelers can get what
they are looking for and the portal can get an excellent response for their

Global GDS provides the most
effective Types of Flight API Integration Solution that could help your
business grow. So, what are you waiting for We are just a few clicks away from
you. Get in touch with us to launch an excellent portal or call us for any

What is Flight API?

Flight APIs are a
set of web services to access flight deals from multiple flight suppliers and
consolidators. This Flight API enable airlines, travel agencies, travel
companies and tour operators with access to global flight deals and join such
as roundtrip, on way, multi-city and group booking combinations.

Global GDS is leading Flight
API provider offers leading Flight API Integration Solution for Arline, Travel
Agents and Travel companies around the world. We offer Flight API integration
within existing or new travel website. Flight API integration connects travel
agents with global airline inventory and help business improve earnings.

Why is it necessary for
every OTA to Have Flight API Integration?

With the help of flight API
integration, all the modern travel agencies are going online and giving the
travellers content as per their choice and needs. Due to facility of booking
and quick results of the online flight booking
API system, millions of travellers prefer buying online products and

Flight API integration makes
the travel company whole. In terms of reginal limits, license, fares and
prices, getting contact to the big airline listings system is not very simple.
It is a critical work to get the real-time data of a large industry spreader
across the world. Travel technology has introduced flight booking API system to
settle this problem. It will give simple access to the real time information of
airline industry.

GDS helps in getting the
contact to real time data. Primarily GDS was embarked in the airline industry
but later on, it was expansive and now it helps in flight booking API system to
aggregate data of global travel recipe. The travel representative should very
well understand the type of travellers who book their flight tickets. There are
frequent as well as first timers and then there are travellers who are
extremely price sensitive.

Why you Choose Global GDS
for API Integration?

At Global GDS, we provide
most Robust Flight API Integration Solution to Modify and enhance your Online Travel
Business Capability. Global GDS is the good Flight API Provider delivering
the best Flight API integration solution for business in the travel industry.

Our Flight API Integration
allows travellers to book flight tickets online, this plays an indispensable
role in the development of technology enabled Travel Website nowadays.
Integration of Flight APIs allows travel portals to provide accessible Airline
options at a single place. The Flight API integration gives complete
information like timing, fare, fare rules, availability of seats etc. about
Airlines at one platform and helps travellers find the most convenient deals.

Global GDS Flight API
Integration System allows B2B Travel Agents and B2C Travel
Websites to search and book GDS flights as well as LCC. Our smart cache
system helps B2C Travel Agencies to manage their look to book ratio with GDS
suppliers. As per customer requirements we offer Hold PNR system. This helps
Travel Agents from the risk of fare rise or development.

What are the Benefits of
flight API integration?

Enables flight search both domestic and

Simple to use the portal

Multi-language support and multi-payment

Real-time book along with airfare calendar

Has additional baggage allowance features

Easy to use admin panel.

Made safe and secure with SSL security and
virus protection.

Provides competitive payments for portal

Easy to manage the complete inventory using
one single system.

You can book, confirm, modify all your
bookings through a single API integration

What is flight booking API?

Flight booking
API or Flight API is a cluster of web services grouped together to contact
flight deals from various suppliers and consolidators. The flight API basically
enables airlines, travel agencies, tour operators, and travel agencies to
simple contact global flight deals. With advancement in technology and develop
demand of flight API providers, the flight API has become a soul of travel

The suppliers master over
everything right from selling flight tickets to aesthetically beautiful
map-based travel instruction. No doubt, with flight API integration, getting
data and information regarding flight has become much easy. Now the question
arises on the working procedure of flight ticket booking API.

What to consider before
flight booking API integration?

The majority of the flight
booking APIs give similar features, and functionality and even have almost the
same connections. Now you must be wondering – how to choose the leading API
provider for your business. In that case, you require to consider some factors.

The next thing that needs
attention is your business model and price. It is crucial to understand that
direct connection with GDSs via APIs is costly. If you can bear that finance,
you can go ahead. But, if not, you need to look for OTAs or travel tech
companies that give APIs at a much more cost-effective price rate.

Other factors that need
consideration are the availability of API documentation and post-integration
support. Besides, you need to take into account the region you want to target.
For instance, if Europe is your market, the good option is to use Amadeus GDS.

Global GDS is a well-known travel portal
development company in the industry. We have a team of skilled experts
offering high-quality travel tech software solutions. From us, you can expect
dependable and hassle-free flight API integration.

Flight API Integration

We at Global GDS provides Global Distribution Systems
(GDS) API integration and OTA’s API integration services. We give end-to-end
online flight booking portal to travel agents by integrating with popular GDS
and OTAs API providers. We understand travel agent’s needs and problems and
work with API provider’s technical team to provide end-to-end solutions.

API Integration service
needs a specialized skill force and we at Global GDS are committed towards the
seamless integration of API in its any format. We have a different team of
expert developers who are seasoned professionals when it comes to API
consumption and integration. Whether it’s a travel and hospitality API or a
payment gateway API or a social media APIs (Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.),
we are thoroughly experienced.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

White Label Booking System
White Label Booking System Austin billy 1 Views • 2 years ago

⁣White Label Booking
System - Global GDS

A White Label Travel
portal is ready-made software for online travel businesses. In White Label
Travel portal API for online bookings/reservations is already integrated which
reduce the cost of your travel portal development as you need not to buy API
separately. Through this software, you can make bookings, reservations, bill
payments and manage all your bookings same like a custom travel portal. A White
Label Travel Portal is good for the new comers in the travel & tourism

Global GDS is leading white
label system providing company in the travel industry. Global GDS white label
portal has major GDS & LCC operators, third party supplier’s/operators APIs
integrated in the backend which makes your travel portal rich in data. Global
GDS delivers white label portal in one working day, you just need to offer
domain and payment gateway and finalize your home page design and you are ready
to go live in one day. White label travel portal is a one-stop solution
provider for all the technology requires of travel representatives,
consolidators, corporate travel consultants, hotelier and tour operators.

Which Company offers the
Best White Label Website Development?

Global GDS end-to-end
technology solutions to every sector of the industry combining Tour Operators,
Destination Management Companies, Online Travel Agencies,
Consolidators and Travel Management Companies.

We improve products across
all major airlines, rental car companies, hotel management companies. We are a
good provider of technology solutions and we have APIs ready to work under your
portal. For online travel companies, we have an API-based white label travel
portal solution. We give a personalized white label solution that allows you to
improve your own online travel agency under your own logo. Our white label portal (SaaS Travel Product)
allows you to handle all the needs of travel business using one single place or

White-Label Travel Portal

White Label Solution enables
one to develop business in the global market and gain brand presence in times
of globalization. It can be simply integrated with an online travel portal
and allows tour and travel businesses to rebrand a successful product and
development the count of product providing of travel agents and travel

This White-Label Online
Travel Portal can also be integrated with Third Party API, this feature enables
us simply integrate travel listings (rates and availabilities) from global
suppliers in the travel portal of a travel representative to sell the flight,
hotel, package, transfers, activity online with faster response, up to date and
dynamic travel data to improve client’s experience.

Why White Label Solution and
how it helps Travel Agent and Tour Operators?

White-Label Solution is a
product or benefit that can be rebranded and resell as your own to clients. White Label
Solution refers to a product establish by Company A and rebranded and
resold by Company B.

Global GDS is best Travel
Technology Company offers innovative White label Solution for travel agent,
travel agency, tour operator, travel management company and destination
management company to setup Travel Website with advanced B2B/B2C Travel Portal
for Flight, Hotel, Tour, Transfer, Package, Activity to automate travel
business process and maximize incomes. Our travel professionals design and
increase White-Label using advanced travel technology to deliver highly
customized white label solutions based on client business requirements.

White Label Web Solution-
B2C and B2B Travel Portal

Global GDS, a travel technology
company, develops products & resourceful software platforms and
solutions to the travel industry. We offer end to end technology solutions to
every sector of the industry including Travel Agencies, Tour Operators, Online
Travel Agencies, Destination Management Companies, Consolidators and Travel
Management Companies.

We design and develop the
products across all major airlines, rental car companies, hotels management
companies. We are a best technology platform provider; we have API’s ready to
work under your portal. Global GDS gives API based white label travel portal
solution for Online Travel Agencies. We provide you the best white label
solution which allows you to build your own online travel agency under your own
brand. White label portal (SaaS Travel Product) allows you to handle all the
requires of travel business using one single place or platform.

White Label Solutions to
Increase Your Revenue:

White-label Hotel Booking System

White-label Activities Booking System

White-label Restaurants Booking System

White-label Package Booking System

White-label Flight Booking System

White-label Transfer Booking System

White label travel booking

A booking engine for travel companies
is a system for the management and online marketing of tourist products whose
purpose is to centralize the administration of its products and products from
its suppliers, concurrently allowing online sales to be packaged to measure.

The reservation system has a
multi-language and multi-currency service that will allow you to reach any
market simply and you will be able to control the negotiations with your
suppliers with the business rules. Now you can handle the forms of collection
of each of your products to work on request or with online reservations
according to you requires.

Centralize your entire
commercial operation with a particular website, an individual image for each
client, and a layout suitable for viewing on all devices and customized to your
customer. If you already have a site and wish to incorporate Global GDS Top white-label travel booking
engine, make it available to your affiliates and other third parties,
allowing them to have a complete service.

Features of White label
travel portal

White label solutions are welcome in more
than 25 countries.

Provide an online presence for your travel

Large inventory to attract customers

Go online in only 2 weeks

Freedom to choose your preferred travel

User-friendly interface encourages clients to
book products

24/7 technical and customer support.

User-friendly maintenance tools enable agents
to ensure proper cancellation of bookings and other related updates.

Admin and Dashboard Management facilities

What is white label software?

Software are generally unbranded fully improved Software exchanged by SaaS
companies after renaming and rebranding as their software. Businesses can
purchase access to the software, add their branding to it and resell it as
their own as though it was developed by themselves.

There are many causes why
this can be a developed alternative to custom software that is established from
the ground up. White label software is normally taken under a software as a
service or SaaS model, making it very attractive to businesses who cannot fork
up the entire cost of the license upfront.

For more details, Pls visit our website:

GDS API Integration
GDS API Integration Austin billy 1 Views • 2 years ago

⁣GDS API Integration -
Global GDS

GDS (Global Distribution
System) is a global computerized booking web which is used as a single point of
access for accommodating airplane seats, hotel rooms, car rentals and other
travel products for travel representatives, online booking websites and major

Global GDS is integrated
with GDS Flight API integration
enabling travel representatives and travel portal websites to book flights
online. We have also designed and improved booking engine which are integrated
with GDS functionalities which are very useful for airlines. We are also
integrated with top GDS giving companies including Amadeus, Sabre, Travelport,
Worldspan and many more.

What is a global
distribution system (GDS) API?

Global Distribution System
(GDS) is also known as system providers. It is essentially software that travel
companies use to sell airline tickets or book hotel rooms. In other words, it
is a programmed reservation network used as a single place for benefit related
to airlines. The services combine airline schedules, issuing airline tickets,
booking airline seats, reserving hotel rooms, rental cars, and giving other
travel-related administrations.

However, GDS API can become
difficult tactic without right offer. That’s why we at Global GDS, makes your
task easy-going by providing you GDS API integration. We’re your
certified GDS API integration providers. Our only motive is to give you an
expanded array of travel services with ubiquitous charges, practices, and

Global GDS give you access
to the renowned Global Distribution Systems (GDS) like Amadeus API, Galileo
API, and Travelport. We aid you link with hundreds of travel representatives
and millions of potential clients worldwide.

How do you Integrate GDS
into your Travel Website?

Every travel agent
connecting them to all the travel industry information effectively and
efficiently. However, integrating a GDS system
into your travel website can be valuable as well as time-consuming. Multiple
travel agents do not have the budget and time to invest in installing and
understanding the GDS.

The easiest and most
cost-effective method is to hire a SaaS platform like Global GDS to integrate a
GDS system in your current website or else create your entire travel online
presence with their travel tech expertise. This is the speed way to integrate a
GDS system as such cloud-based companies have expert GDS professionals and
engineers to manage all the tech hassle.

Other options to integrate a
GDS system into your travel website is hiring a full-time travel tech
consultant on a contract basis to integrate the GDS system in your website and
training your staff and you to operate it. In that way, the integration will be
a one-time cost, but on the other hand, you will have to have an active
back-end tech team to help any issues or doubts that may arise.

Why GDS API Integration is
important for the travel and tourism business?

The Global GDS is a leading
GDS API integration company. It is a special integration partner of global
distribution systems. This company has integrated the GDS with APIs completely.
Global GDS is an authorized partner of GDS systems to integrate hotels,
airlines, bus and rental cars with B2B, B2C and B2B2C modules. It even helps
other powerful modules.

GDS API integration is a central booking tool for
the OTAs – Online Travel agents. GDS is a network which is computerized and is
single stop for having services from airline seats to the hotel rooms.

A GDS gathers and
consolidates travel information from varying spectrum of providers of service
and allows representatives to book airplane seats, hotel rooms and cars and
busses on rental. You can even book cruise lines and ferries. There are
primarily three GDS covering 99 percent of the market – Sabre, Travelport and
Amadeus. The problem that companies face is of choosing the leading GDS API.
Along with the technical differences, market coverage plays an important role.

GDS API integration for a
Successful Expansion of Your Business Globally

Global Distribution System
is an automated network that join travel agencies and companies to Suppliers/aggregators
for flights, hotels, vehicle rental, holiday packages, etc. GDS stores the latest data of multiple
suppliers, which strengthens the travel agencies to offer updated information
to their customers.

GDS Integration gives a centralized reservation system for
online travel agencies. It is an asset for travel companies to get services
from multiple suppliers like hotels, airlines, and car rental organizations on
a single platform. Through single GDS API integration, Online travel companies
can develop their business by reaching a wider audience.

As a leading API integration
company, Global GDS has years of experience integrating services for airlines,
hotels, car rental, bus, cruise, payment and SMS gateways, etc. Global GDS has
a team of developers for exceptional integration benefit for all major GDSs
like Amadeus, Sabre, Galileo, and Worldspan.

How Does GDS API Integration
Play an Important Role in the Travel Industry?

The travel industry is the
major contributor to the GDP of a country, making it very competitive. Staying
ahead in competition demands travel agencies upgrade to integrate GDS software.
It joins travel companies to major GDSs globally combining, Amadeus, Sabre,
Worldspan, Galileo, etc. GDS plays a significant role in the travel industry as
it has transformed the total picture of the travel sector. Global distribution
systems act as online booking systems for
travel businesses.

At Global GDS, we provide
the most exceptional GDS integration services that deliver great satisfaction
to many customers in the travel industry. With our years of expertise, we can
analyze the exact need of your company. Our GDS integration solution
gives a user-friendly platform for travel agencies to handle their bookings.

At Global GDS, through our
GDS API integration services, we provide a platform for B2C and B2B customers
that give them access to global content on any device. We improve a platform
compatible with all devices. In years of services, we have integrated Amadeus,
Sabre, Travelport API for our many clients. Our GDS software allows travel
service gives to upload their data in GDS and give permission to travel
agencies to use it for bookings. This setup serves the purpose of all the
parties combined in the process.

Features Offered for GDS API

Displays Global Hotels, Cars, and Airlines

Both B2B and B2C Can Be Accessed

Easier connectivity and Mapping of Contents

Single Window Interface

Quick and Easy Connectivity

Book the Most Suited Seat and Services via

Targeting All Travel Agencies and Agents

Best Fares and Commissions

24*7 Access to Travel Agents and Agencies

Benefits of GDS API

Immediate ROI

Secure Data & 100% Compliance

Easy Markup Controls

Real Time Monitoring

Boost Your Online Direct Sales

Decrease Your Dependence on Other Sales

Productivity Increase

Maximize The Point of Sale

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Flight Booking Software
Flight Booking Software Austin billy 1 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Flight Booking
Software - Global GDS

Flight Booking Software is
an online software that helps users book airline tickets immediately and
simply. It provides multiple features such as an Airfare Comparison Engine and
Fare Quotation System in different languages and currencies. It also helps
travel businesses increase earnings.

Global GDS Flight booking
engine is an exceptional tool that develops the flight booking experience by
automating the booking process. It allows users to choose from different
airlines, check seat availability, etc. For travel businesses, it helps in
increasing earnings generation.

Global GDS, being the
leading software development company, develops excellent airline reservation
software for travel companies. It allows the integration of different flight
suppliers into the booking system, allowing the option to choose from numerous

How Does the Flight
Reservation System Work?

There are two distinct ways
you can book flights via the flight booking system. Firstly, customers can go
through the direct channel. Here, travelers can directly approach the
particular airline they want to use. You can skip the usage of GDS and instead
use the CRS or the central reservation system of
the airline for tickets.

Another way is the indirect
channel. Here, the OTA or online travel representative, travel companies, and
operators come into play. Travel businesses use the software to provide access
to real-time availability of seats and fares related to air travel. That way,
customers can pick the one that suits their needs the good.

After the customer checks
out the information and selects the seats, the reservation is done. When the
booking is prompted, a PNR or passenger name record is created. After that, a
payment gateway is triggered, which leads the traveller to the payment page.
Paying the specific amount successfully ensures the clients that the seat is

How is Flight Booking System
beneficial for Travel Agent in Travel Industry?

Global GDS Flight Booking
System or Flight Booking Software comes with advanced flight booking quotation
system which becomes strong Flight Booking IT Solution to establish Flight
booking engine for travel representative business. It will be customized Flight
Booking System with best flight module features like Flight Reservation,
Modification, Flight Booking Quotation, Flight API Integration and

With this Flight API
Integration, Flight booking software give all flight-related searches in online
travel portal of travel representative. Flight booking software give travel
agent to give customers with best travel deals like hotels, flights, vacation
packages, transfers and other services. With Flight booking IT Solutions,
travel agents can provide dynamic packages like Flight + Holiday, Flight +
Hotel, more for customers with good flight search and book functionality.

Why does your traveling
business need the flight reservation software?

The flight reservation software is
known to benefit as the most significant part of the whole travel reservation
software. The online flight booking engine over the years has played quite a
pivotal role in generating more earnings for travel businesses by merging
itself with an airline reservation system.

The airline reservation
system has also catapulted in online sale of flight tickets. No matter what,
but a travel booking software in today’s times require to incorporate an air
booking engine as well. Only then, it can be useful and helpful for travel
businesses. With our travel flight reservation software and travel portal
development services, you can clearly expect an incredible surge in the
earnings and surplus of your business.

A GDS is merged with an airline booking
engine by using Flight Booking API

Flight ticket software is installed with
Holiday Packages

Find the Best Flight Booking
Software or Airline Reservation System for your travel agency

Global GDS offers leading
airline reservation systems and flight booking software used for booking
flights, airline travel software
which will offer systemic booking management services for the travel owners,
travel agents and more. Being in the industry for years we supply the trendiest
designs and development which give upgraded, and flexible reservations. Our
specialist makes sure that inventory management solutions for airlines combine
updated features like the ticket management, setting preference for booking.

Each of the reservation
software improved by us offers a stable platform for the airline managers so
that they can help the traveller’s access flight tickets at the most affordable
rates. We give standard interfaces for the developments of external reservation
systems including GDS system.

Our Airline Reservation
Portal improved by us are integrated with popular worldwide GDS systems like the
Amadeus, Travelport, and more. The mentioned GDS are preferred by Global GDS
because they help you include a long list of airlines in your inventory.

Flight Booking Software

Global GDS, gives entire on
line flight booking software program for a travel corporation. We provide
airline reservation machine and GDS reserving gadget allowing with contemporary
tour generation functions. We give fully incorporated Airline Reservation device
with trendy flight booking engine functions like online booking Engine,
GDS booking system, Galileo airline reservation machine, Amadeus airline
reservation machine, reservation systems, sabre airline reservation device,
customized Airline booking machine for travel dealers and travel corporations

Global GDS is one some of
the main Travel Technology company, specialized in developing flight
reservation device, flight reserving engine. We understand the wishes and the
necessities of global journey businesses, travel company and sellers has
continuously been one among the largest corporations occurring in the direction
of the airline reservation device inside the journey industry.

Why People Choose Us for
Flight Booking Software Development?

We are a broad-based
business helps provider that serves organisations in every segment of
travelling industry. Global GDS is a global distribution system
business that operates globally and includes Galileo Reservation Systems and
internationally recognised world span. Our Galileo System holds a grand
position in airline software and has connections with all best airlines.

Easy for booking tickets

Saves both time and money

Provide all kinds of information about the

24x7 Customer Support through both calls and

Provide automated tickets to customers
through mail

Smooth and hassle-free refund policies

Available for both International and Domestic

Flight Booking Software-

B2B/B2C travel booking system

Worldwide flight search filter

Real-time flight booking interface

Flight fares and schedules

Various flight search options

Flight fares search filter

One /return trip search filter

Multi-city search option

Third-Party API Integration.

Flight quotation booking software

Flight Booking Engine

Global GDS is a leading travel software development company,
best experience in flight booking engine integrating XML suppliers and
consolidators. We have good experience in developing travel portals with
multiple sales channels such as B2C, B2B, B2B2C, B2B2B, B2E, flight booking
engine, and Corporate Portals.

Our experienced team in the
flight booking engine and travel portal development can service travel companies
to design travel portal software solutions and integrate with flight booking
engines, GDS and Non-GDS solutions.
Flight Booking Engine is not only about to sell more and more tickets
but also to gain the brand value of the business to maximize the average value
per transaction from new and returning customers. And our flight booking engine
with responsive designs offer all the required features to our customers.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Travel Portal Website
Travel Portal Website Austin billy 1 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Travel Portal Website
- Global GDS

Travel portal development is
a powerful web based online booking system particularly designed for travel
management companies, destination management companies, travel aggregators, B2B
B2C travel agencies, tour operators and home-based travel representatives. This
software meets all traveling and booking related concerns in all available ways
without any intervention of travel booking representatives that charge you some

Global GDS is a travel
portal development company providing excellent travel portal software. Our
portal software gives travel portal related solutions with the changing demand
of current travel business. Our professionals offer the good customized travel
portal development to your changing needs. For tour and travel industry, we
deliver inclusive travel website solution and capable travel portal software.
Our travel portal development combines integration of different APIs for air
booking, hotel reservation, car booking, bus booking and many others.

Travel Portal Website Development

As a travel portal
development company, we offer travel software solution for
companies based in India dealing with tours and travels. We establish highly
customized and interactive travel portals for travel agencies in across the
world to allow them better customer service. If you are planning to have your
own travel business, we are here to support you with all your B2B and B2C
travel portal requirements.

Which is the best Travel
Portal Development Company who offer Travel Portal Solution for Travel

Best Travel Portal
Development Company is the one who has expertise in growing Travel portal Solutions
which are fully-customized to suit travel agent need. Global GDS is one of the
leading Travel Portal Development Company which offers best Travel Portal
Solutions, Travel Portal Software for travel portal and travel website
development for mid and large size travel representative and travel agency

We develop good travel
portal solution based on travel business requirements. Our team of
professionals have expertise in travel portal development, Web Travel
Portal/Travel Website Development, Website Designing, B2C, B2B Travel
Portal/Booking Engine, Third Party Travel API Integration (Hotel, Flight, Tour
Package, Car Rental and Transfer), Payment Gateway Integration and Search
Engine Optimization.

We have an outstanding
portfolio of travel portal solution which combine Travel API Integration, GDS
API Integration, XML API Integration, Flight API Integration,
Hotel Booking API, White Label Travel Portal, Flight Booking Quotation System,
Activity Booking System, Tour Booking System, B2B Travel Portal, B2C Travel
Portal, Travel Portal Software, Travel Mobile App, and more for Travel Agent to
boost up their business and maximize earnings.

Tours And Travels Business
Website & Portal Development

Our Travel Portal
Development company supports you take your travel business to the next level.
We tend to establish top-quality Travel Portals so
your whole business will benefit recognition. We manage to deliver the total
package of travel solutions right from website coming up with, travel portal
development or app development to API integration and maintenance. We provide
in-depth travel solutions for all kinds and sizes of travel business
corporations together with B2B, B2C, B2B2C, etc.

We realize that your online
travel portal is the face of your business. So, firstly our specialists hear
your specific requires and build a best-in-class B2C or B2B travel portal (as
per your business model) that facilitates a development in your ROIs. We tend
to style and establish fully-customized travel solutions that support simple
app integration as per your business needs.

Travel portal website
Development Features

Global GDS is a leading
travel portal development company which has developed a bouquet of travel
solutions to power online travel agencies, Hotels, vacation package sites and
tour operators. Following are the key features of our travel portal / travel

Multi-Lingual & Multi-Currency Support

Automated Emails/SMS communication

Advanced search options

Secure Credit Card Payment Processing

Shopping basket for multi-product transaction

Display of results from Negotiated and XML

Easy booking flow – search, add information
& payment

Dynamic Package with multi-product sales

Integration to Multiple Payment Gateways

Account management and Trip History

Travel Portal Development
Services We Offer

B2B and B2C Travel Portal Development

GDS/API/XML Integrations

Online Booking Engines for flights, Car,
Hotels etc.

User Registration Module

Users Login Management System

Agent Registration Module

Travel Agent Management System

CMS Development

White Label

Travel Website Development

Responsive Web Design

A Trusted Travel Website
Development Company

If you have been looking for
Travel Website Development Company to
develop and design exceptionally appealing and aesthetic website, you’re at
right place. Global GDS, being one of the renowned names in Travel Industry
specializes in travel website design and development. Since time immemorial,
we’ve been giving out of the way travel portal solutions and administrative
resources integrating new trends and technology to aid you thrive in your

The team at Global GDS, has
immense knowledge when it comes to creating beautiful travel & tourism
website design and portal development across the world. Our web developers have
profound technical know-how and passion for developing travel specific
websites. Moreover, we also give fully functional tourism portal development
services depending upon your custom requirements. To stay ahead and competent
in international travel industry, we’re here to GROW your business with our
top-notch web development services.

Why choose us for your
travel portal web design?

Single-point integration with an extensive
list of online travel solutions

Multi-vendor booking engine for competitive
price comparison features

Enhanced usability with smooth navigation
feature and highly customizable interface

An automated system with online bookings,
payments, cancellations and amendments

Real-time access to dynamic content and
supplier databases

Enhanced content management to tap into
content showcased on your travel website

Latest technology for online travel solutions

Travel Website Development

Web development is the
process of work involved while growing a Website for the Internet (World Wide
Web) or an intranet (a private network). Web development can range from
developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex Web-based Internet applications,
electronic businesses, and social network helps.

A more comprehensive list of
tasks to which Web development commonly refers may combine Web engineering,
Travel Portal development, Web design, Web content development,
customer-side/server-side scripting, Web server and network security
configuration and E-Commerce Development.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

Travel Agency System
Travel Agency System Austin billy 1 Views • 2 years ago

⁣Travel Agency System
- Global GDS

Global GDS is a travel software
development company develop popular travel-based travel agency software
that automate sales, operations, marketing and finances for Inbound Tour
operators and Outbound Tour operators, Travel Agency, Online Travel Agency to help
them to handle bookings, package customization, itinerary creation and
quotation management to make a large portfolio of travel products like hotels,
flights, transfers and activities to gain bookings.

Travel Agency Software is a
travel based popular travel software that handle and automates sales, bookings,
operations and finances for Inbound Tour operators and Outbound Tour operators,
Travel Agency, Online Travel Agency, Travel Company to handle their package
customization, itinerary creation and booking to make a large portfolio of
travel products like hotels, flights, transfers and activities to increase

What is Travel Agency

Travel agencies use travel agency
applications to handle their services. These solutions protect front office
and back-office activities. Agencies use this type of software to develop their
offerings to current and prospective customers. Travel agency software spans
across the full customer engagement cycle, from reservations, to billing, to
customer feedback.

When financial tools are not
combined in the solution, accounting software integration is necessary to
process bills and payments. Maximum solutions also integrate with online
reservation websites or with tour operator and vacation rental solutions.

Why Travel Agency Software:

Simplifying leads &
customer management for travel companies, the travel agency software has
several features, including:

Increase Conversion rate.

Access to & management of leads from

Package / Itinerary builder.

Supplier Management.

Bulk email with predesigned HTML templates.

Customer handling and generate sales report.

Promote packages through landing page &
social media.

How Can Travel Agency
Software Transform Your Travel Business?

We at Global GDS, the best
travel tech company, understand the hesitation and thus offer practical
advice. With the assistance of the
leading travel
agency software company, you can create an exciting portfolio of various
travel products. You can manage hotel bookings, manage flight tickets and
arrange airport transfers with ease. That way, your clients can enjoy a
hassle-free travel experience with your agency.

Access to top-rated travel
agency software provides a ton of benefits to the travel business. Apart from
having a holistic view, you can get improved control of the business with
automation and the simplification of complicated tasks. Besides, to stay
relevant in this highly competitive field, the need to provide top-of-the-line
services is a must.

Global GDS Travel Management
Software that Grows with You

Global GDS is a travel
management software that automates the sales process, increase sales
efficiency, enhance response time and contribute to inclining growth. It
enables you to collaborate with customers and team members to improve user
experience. It streamlines your processes to reduce manual data entry,
eliminate redundancies, and speed up your sales process.

Global GDS travel agency
management software is equipped with numerous features offering sales
automation. It is one of the very few software in the travel domain right now
that are created solely for professionals like travel representatives, tour
operators, DMCs, OTAs, etc.

Some of the major features
of the software include account & contact management, lead &
opportunity management, task management, itinerary and report creation,
customer relationship management, and mass mailing. These features promote fast
deals closer, build better customer relationships, boost sales, and create an
effective collaborative environment. With Global GDS, you can enhance the productivity
of your company and increase your revenue.

Why A Travel Agent Software
Is Needed?

The travel agency
booking software limits the alternatives and has coordination with a
multiple travel booking agent. This software increases the customer travel experience
and displayed a huge decrement in running expenditure. The travel agency
solutions developing as an excellent asset for centralizing the selling
process, advertising, running and financing process, etc.

Travel representative
software assists online travel agents to benefit an elaborated report which is
significant for increasing the use of travel administration. This is for the
reason of invoicing, explaining and adjustment. Accounting software for travel
agency helps in conserving records in an arranged form.

The online travel agency
software is able of delivering travel services at a speedy pace. By using this
agency software, the online travel agent feeds various details regarding
pricing on various basis. Travel agency software combines the records, reports,
visuals, location maps and a snapshot of tour packages. Travel booking software
manages additions, concession, payment plans, blackout days, advertisement and
accommodation availability, etc.

Special features of the
customized travel agency software by Global GDS are:

Business to Customers-Users and Guest

Online bookings

Admin Management

Commission Management System

Booking Reports

Cancellation Reports

Sales and Commission reports

Manage Dynamic Pages

Dynamic roles for office administration

Deposit Management System

A/C statement log

Dash Board Management

Benefits of Travel Agency

Tour scheduling

Tour program creation

Hotel or resort booking

Vendor negotiation

Consultation services

Best fare

Personalized tours per the client’s budget

Travel Booking Software

The travel agency software
offers an excellent and user-friendly interface. Operating this travel software
does not ask for any expertise and multiple kind of education. The software can
be used for a hotel booking representative, flight booking representatives, and
other travel representatives as well. The travel agent software allows B2B or
B2C end users and online travel representatives to buy air tickets visiting online travel portals.

The travel agency management
system has been largely developed with just a small effort. The travel booking
software manages the complete sale process with ease and at the same time, the
workflow gets smoother. The client feedback is the ultimate thing every company
works for. Travel agency booking software supports in getting valuable feedback
from customers.

How can we help you in
getting a tour operator software or travel booking software?

Travel agency software is
something new in travel business, but it has contributed immensely to create
more and more earning from travel business. But developing a scrappy travel company
software wouldn’t help your cause. Hence, look for a best and well
experienced option at your disposal.

Well, if you can talk about
us over here, Global GDS have full expertise on travel portal development; that
includes b2b travel portal development, b2c travel portal development, travel
agency software, tour management software, or even growing travel agency
accounting software for that matter.

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

B2B Hotel Booking Portal
B2B Hotel Booking Portal Austin billy 1 Views • 2 years ago

⁣B2B Hotel Booking
Portal - Global GDS

As most of the travellers
like to book hotels for their stay online, getting leading hotels at affordable
rates is what people look for. Global GDS has been associated with various
brands and brought the best offers for its partners to serve their customers.
With Global GDS, our store partners are able to book hotels helpful with the
best offers. To provide the smooth and hassle-free experience, our experts
provide the training and support.

One of the best B2B portals for
hotel booking, Global GDS provides seamless experience. Hotels can be booked
within several minutes with 2-3 steps. Global GDS is one stop solution for
hotel bookings as we provide bookings for every part of the nation. We have the
maximum percentage of commission for our partners. With various options at one
place, you can increase the customers walk-ins at your store and get
significant benefits.

What is the best b2b hotel
booking portal provider?

Global GDS is the best and
one of the most counts on global online b2b hotel booking portal providers. Their
versatile hotel reservation system developed by us comes with a huge range of
features and provides great facility to the online travel company and agents to
their business. Their portal fills your search results by name, and destination
with the best price and accommodation. It is very easy to use and can be
accessed with any type of gadget.

Why Choose Global GDS B2B
Hotel Booking Portal?

Global GDS is one of the
best hotels booking portal development
company are focused to deliver our clients with the appropriate portal they are
seeking. Hotel portal is a comprehensive and powerful website, you can use to
make your presence in the hotel industry.
Global GDS provides Business-to-Business portal development solutions
that fulfil all your expectations. A portal is an efficient way to provide all
information about your product and services to your end-users.

Global GDS develops hotel
booking software for hoteliers, travel agents, tour operators, and travel
management companies. Our portal on the B2B hotel reservation system is a
comprehensive online solution for hotels in dealing with travel agents and
corporate clients. Our range of hotel portal solutions is ideal for the growing
needs of travel companies, travel agencies, hotels, and tour operators. We
offer feature-rich solutions for hotel portal development for mid and
large-size hotel businesses with cost-effective and exceed your expectation.

B2B Hotel Booking systems
for Travel Agents

Global GDS is a B2B Hotel
Booking systems for Travel representatives and Corporate Members. As a Travel
Agents / Corporate member of the Global GDS B2B Club you will be able to have
live access to our hotels real time availability and rates.

This will provide you the
opportunity to buy directly from the hotel's online booking engine and
provide your customers the best available B2B rates. NO e-mails, NO telephones,
NO faxes, NO waiting on stand-by mode for taking reservation confirmations.
Save time and money and provide your customers the most accurate information
about the hotel.

Features Of Hotel Booking

While the core message
around booking engine software is direct bookings, there’s a whole lot more
potential than that.

You can increase conversions with a simple
guest booking experience

You can save time with quick and easy setup

You can eliminate manual entry with instant

You can make better decisions with data

You can gain an advantage over competitors
who don’t have one

B2B Hotel Booking Engine

Hotel Search and Book Functionality

Reservation Management

Channel Management

Hotel API Integration

Back-office management

Multiple-currency feature

Multilanguage feature

Payment Gateway Integration

B2B Hotel Booking Software

Travel comes with loads of
issues like one has to book good means of transport to reach the needed
destination and then has to corner the perfect means of stay be it hotel, lodge
or client house. Everything must be taken into account right from availability,
food, environment etc.

With this software you can provide
unique login and handle your contracts conditions as per the profile in just
one single online booking engine. You can set different conditions and
different rates in tune to your partner portfolio and can manage all the fax,
emails and confirmations in just single step.

This state of art B2B hotel booking software
will enhance your conversion rates and also escalate your earnings per online
booking in your website. You can have different hotel and/or umpteen numbers of
data bookings with great ease and improve your cross selling. This software
also approves you to set sales strategies in tandem to your needs and

This being web application
system based you have full control of your business with just internet joint at
your door step. This software also offers scope for different payment option to
increase conversion and also handle your allotments per profile or per channel
or per partner centrally with our any issues.

B2B Hotel Reservation System

B2B Hotel Reservation System
connects the travel companies to their customers. It provides services to its
client 24/7, which allows clients to make reservations, make alterations in the
booking system, or even make cancellations at any time of the day. It offers
complete client satisfaction. This helps travel agencies to get hotel rooms at
reasonable cost. In short, it sells services from one business to another.

How does a B2B Hotel
Reservation System work?

The reservation management software
automates the booking process by synchronizing with your hotel’s website and
social media, allowing visitors to reserve immediately and conveniently without
having to visit another site. The reservation system may also be linked to the
channel manager, allowing hotels to expand their availability to online
representatives in real-time. This B2B Hotel Reservation System is used in the
hotel sector to implement visitors to book online stays utilizing the software.

It facilitates a more
capable booking procedure and collects data into your system. Furthermore, it
offers you with a competitive advantage and expand productivity by
automatically synchronizing throughout your system and channels. This software
is critical for international appeal and improve occupancy rates. It’s a
crucial tool for providing better clients experiences, which leads to developed
customer retention and profitability. And also offers you with a competitive
benefit and increases productivity by automatically synchronizing throughout
your system and channels.

The Importance of Hotel
Booking System in Your Hotel

Direct Bookings

Additional Profit

Bookings Using Mobile Search


Reservations According to Your Terms

Guest Loyalty

Boost Brand Image

For more details, Pls visit
our website:

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