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Car Rental Mobile App Development
What is a CarRental Mobile App?
The car rentalbusiness is witnessing a massive shift from traditional brick & mortarfacilities to the online on-demand ecosystem. You can enter and thrive on thechange with your custom car rental software designed and developed with themost advanced technologies in the market.
Our car rental appdevelopment solutions ensure you provide a smooth and organized service to yourcustomers around the world. We offer pocket-friendly car rental app developmentservices for popular mobile (iOS & Android) and web platforms.
On-Demand CarRental App Development Company:
Global GDS, aleading Car Rental Mobile App Development Company, develops innovative carrental apps that assay the hunt for rental cars by smartphone druggies hard theplace while your app grows credibility and trust of your customers.
A mobile app foryour car rental business assists you to gain new customers, display yourservices; working timings; working places and locales; and everything that yougive to your customers, saving your time and trouble as well as that of yourcustomers. It also builds a vast marketing tool for your business growth.
We strive to usethe latest technology to transfigure real car rental businesses or help producenew car rental services with a white marker and store car rental app results and are open to new featuresand integrations as per your business requirements. The car rental app thathelps to track every car movement, which has been used in your businessenterprise.
The on-demand carrentals mobile app controls and overviews every rented transport in the world.With the guidance of a car rental system, you can not only list car settlementson your website but also can verify their bias.
These car rentalapps have come to a new approach that allows you to manage your settlements andaccounts at the same time and can be developed in a customized way according toyour business conditions.
Our car rental appdevelopment results assure you to give a constant and systematized service toyour customer around the globe. We offer a user-friendly cost-effectivesolution for car rental app development on both iOS & Android and webplatforms. Car rental app development for all types of requirements.
Car RentalMobile App Development Solution:
The car rental business is observing a huge transformationfrom a traditional brick & mortar facility to an online on-demandecosystem. You can enter and grow on the change with your custom car rentalmobile app designed and developed with the advanced technologies in the market.
Our vehicle rental app development solutions assure you to provide aconstant and organized service to your customers around the globe. We offer auser-friendly cost-effective solution for car rental app development on bothiOS & Android and web platforms. Car Rental App Development for All Types of Needs.
Corporate CarRentals: Users can develop rental businesses by helping clients who are some ofthe most common users of car rental services.
Self-Drive CarRentals: Here, users can book a car and drive it by himself/herself and theyare charged based on the car selected and the number of hours.
Outstation CarRentals: This car type is for one who handles the travel bookings of travelerswho travel to other cities and states. From there they can book the car for alonger period.
Local Car Rentals: Thisone provides the users with cars based on an hourly, half-day, or full-daybasis. It also covers airport pickups and drop-offs.
P2P Car Rentals: Theyconnect car renters with car owners who buy a mobile app with the white labelcar rental app development solution.
Long Term CarRentals: Here users can book the car monthly to a yearly basis.
Business Models,We Support:
Custom AppDevelopment: You can go with custom app development and develop apps accordingto requirements and so that you will not wind up disappointed.
Ready-made Solution:Global GDS is providing ready-made solutions that help individual startups andenterprises launch their business quickly. We have a wide range of ready-madesolutions, customizable per your business requirements.
Hire a DedicatedDeveloper: Global GDS provides flexible hiring models. In which you can eitherhire a single developer or an entire team with the project manager to deliveryou constant updates on the projects and changes taking place throughout thedevelopment process.
How Our CarRental Mobile App Works?
Filter &Search: Choose service, price, location, etc.
Order &Schedule: Add order details and schedule pickup & delivery time.
SeamlessPayment: Pay via cards, wallets, or cash on delivery.
LiveTracking: Pay via cards, wallets, or cash on delivery.
Order &Schedule: Add order details and schedule pickup & delivery time.
OrderNotification: Choose service, price, location, etc.
Full OrderInformation: Get complete order & customer details.
DispatchAutomation: Automate dispatch with optimized route.
Invoices &Reports: Generate order invoices & analytics reports.
Full OrderInformation: Get complete order & customer details.
Key Features toAdd to Your Car Rental Mobile App:
User Panel:
Registration: Userscan register on the platform using their mobile number and email ID.
Sign in: Oncethe registration process is completed, they can sign in using theircredentials.
Pushnotification: This feature will allow users to receive push notificationsfrom the admin. These notifications may contain information, cashback, deals,or other important notifications.
Full modelmode: Full model mode will allow the customer to check their desired carin full 360- degree mode to decide whether to rent or not.
In-appGPS: In-app GPS will help customers to check nearby available cars basedon their location.
Paymentmethods: Your application shall have different payment methods to allowuser-pay using their debit card, credit card, net banking, or pay on thepickup.
In-app customercare contact: This in-app customer care contact feature will allow theapplication’s users to connect with customer care whenever they require anyassistance.
Admin Panel:
Dashboard: Dashboardwill allow the admin to access all the features of the admin panel.
Managepayment: The admin will be able to manage all the payments from here.
Analyticaltools: Analytical tools will allow the admin to check the application’sgrowth and activities of users on the application.
Content managementsystem: The Content management system will allow the admin to access andchange the app’s content.
Push notificationmanagement system: The push notification management system will allow theadmin to send notifications through the app.
Benefits of OurCustom on Demand Car Rental Mobile App:
24/7 Availability: Ourcutting-edge on-demand car rental software solutions will enable you to stayconnected with your users 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During peak workhours or non-working hours, you may use the digital assistant or chatbot torespond to your user's queries.
Ease of Use: Theapplication's key features that make it easy to use for users are smooth onlinebooking and detailed listing. Customers can directly explore all the availablecars with cost as well. With some additional car rental advantages, you canenable the users to avail themselves of discounts and offers.
Easy Booking: Handlinga large customer base and large fleet of cars is not an easy task. The onlinecar rental application can help you manage all the bookings easily, trackrental statuses, bill the bookings, communicate with the designated customers,and so on.
Reliability andQuality: Only authorized users have access to use the car rental application.The application is integrated with secure payment gateways to ensure that allthe transactions are efficient and safe. The users' data is safely stored inthe application as the app is designed with robust multiple modules.
Vehicle Management:The car rental mobile application is integrated with powerful features such asseamless booking, rider, and owner management, earning reports, and so on. Theapplication connects the riders with the car owners, allowing them to managethe vehicles, such as track and locate the vehicle's status.
Billing and Invoice:The on-demand car rental software enables the operators to easily track thebilling details, generate invoices and cash payments. The app maintains all therecords of the cash flow to streamline the billing process.
Why ChooseGlobal GDS?
Easy to Setup &Manage: Our experts can Easily set up your app with any hosting and createan efficient user interface for smooth handling.
FixedPrice: Build what you need on time and within a defined budget.
One-timeFee: Get a customized app delivered at a one-time fee and run your appwithout any monthly subscription costs.
10+ years of ITExposure: We have the best team of certified developers with technologydiversity that help us to work in varied services for the last 10 years.
Guaranteed ProjectDelivery: Our developers ensure guaranteed delivery within a speculatedtimeframe.
TotallyCustomizable: Our custom-developed app solutions are customizable forfuture updates.
12 Months FreeSupport: Our extended support to help clients experience a bug-free app. Acomplete cost-effective solution in a 100% satisfaction way.
CopyrightsIPR: Complete source code access with copyright owned solely by ourclients.
BestQuality: Whether you want your software to improve your employees’productivity, internal communication, logistics, or to drive sales – you willget the best possible user experience.
ISO CertifiedCompany: Global GDS is an ISO Certified company that ensures deliveringquality services and solutions with upgraded tech knowledge.
For more details, Pls visit our website: